The other day while we were playing in Eli's room, Eli showed us that he could climb out of his crib. We went ahead and left the crib up that night to see what would happen in the morning. The next morning Eli was still in his crib like always. I think that he just wanted to let us know that he could climb out of the crib if he wanted to but why would you, that's a lot of work, mommy will just come get me out in the morning anyways. Even though, Eli did not climb out of the crib we would feel a lot less nervous if we would just change the crib into the toddler bed. So last night Thomas removed the front of the crib while Eli "helped". After Thomas was done with the conversion Eli had a great time playing in his new bed.
Eli had to go get all his animals and put them in his bed. And then lay on top of them.
I think he likes his new bed.
I guess he got board of the bed and decided to go get the bouncy chair and bring it in his room and play with that for a while. Eli was enjoying playing i his room and his new bed so much we had a bit of a fight just to get him ready for bed.
So last night was the first time Eli was in a bed he could easily get out of. He did great. He never got out of the bed until morning. In the morning when I got up I came downstairs to listen to the monitor so I could hear what would happen when Eli got up. When Eli woke up I could hear him moving around and then all of a sudden it got quite so I decided to go up stairs to see what was going on. Eli had takken everything out of his bed and then climbed up into the glider in his room and was just sitting there waiting for me.
Today was the true test of how Eli would do in the toddler bed, nap time! Again he did amazing. My plan was to rock him to sleep and then put him in his bed, well Eli want nothing to do with being rocked to sleep. So I put him in his bed and told him to not get out of the bed. He didn't go to sleep but he never got out of the bed! I went up there twice to tell him to go to sleep and both times he was just playing in his bed with his animals that were already in there. He did finally fall asleep for nap time, but that has been normal lately. So it looks like our little boy is done with the crib. I can't believe how fast he is growing up!
They grow too fast! I am happy O hasn't figured out how to climb out yet... Really hoping he doesn't for a good long time!! Yay, Eli!!! Big boy beds are like a whole new world to a toddler!!!! :-)