Friday, August 31, 2012

Spider Socks

Eli decided that he wanted to wear socks today (we don't normally wear socks during the summer).  He said he would go get them.  When he came back down he said he got the spider socks.  

Needless to say we had a matching lesson this morning!  But I do have to give him credit, both socks had spiders on them.

Nap Mat obsessed!

 For Mother's Day out this year I decided Eli needed a new nap mat.  After seeing the amazing job Abby Leavins did on the nap mat she made for Reagan I decided to try something a bit more involved than I normally make.  Since my almost 4 year old is obsessed with Batman (even though he has never seen any Batman type show) I decided to make him a Batman Themed nap mat.  I was very pleased with the way it turned out.

When it's all rolled out it has an attached pillow and blanket.  The blanket is lined in satin and has a small Batman symbol in the corner.  I did the side Eli sleeps on in a soft Batman themed flannel.

All rolled up, i appliqued E's name and added a handle.

The mat stays rolled up with 2 button tabs that I embroidered with the Batman symbol (just to make sure you know it's a Batman nap mat).

Eli loved the mat so much he had to immediately play "school" and have nap time.

He decided he couldn't see his movie very well from where he was on the floor so he decided to move the mat to the couch so he could watch his movie and play "school" all at the same time.  But I had to take my nap on the floor!

Eli was so excited to take his mat to school on Monday.  He had to carry it in himself (so my plan of adding a handle worked! I wanted him to want to carry it)

Eli loved napping on his mat at school so much that when we took it home on Wednesday he had to nap on it on Thursday and Friday (why nap in a comfy big bed when you can nap on the floor on a tiny mat.).  I am so glad he likes it so much.  But now I think he is going to want me to make him one for home too!  He has already asked me to make one for all his friends.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The family that Cheerios together stays together...

Apparently everyone in my family loves cheerios except me.  I think my 3 could eat their weight in cheerios.

Everyone had their own container of cheerios but of course that wasn't good enough for the Diva, she had to have daddy's cheerios because, of course, they are better then her's.

Don't dare try and take cheerios away from the Diva.

I just love that Eli keeps eating the cheerios as he watches the drama unfold.  (and yes I always make sure to dress my famaily so they match)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sometimes you just have to build!

Eli decided this afternoon was a good time to build a tower to the sky.  Hannah Joy thought she would help by eating the blocks...

At least it kept both of them entertained (and HJ from climbing the stairs) while I got dinner on the table.  I only had to come stop HJ from knocking down the tower a couple of times.

Monday, August 20, 2012

10 months old!

I can't believe it, my baby girl is 10 months old today!  She is growing way to fast.  I don't have any number stats on her because there is no way I am getting on a scale to get her weight and I didn't think about making Thomas do it. But she is finally totally in 6-9 month clothing!  

But she is now able to wave bye bye, crawl up stairs (which she is way to fast at!), and has started clapping.  She can also say, mama, dada, brother and bird.  She cruises all around the furniture but has yet to take her 1st steps yet.  She has not met a ball she doesn't like and wants to do everything her brother does.  She has finally conquered the tile floor and all other areas of the house.  Food wise, if she is hungry she will eat almost anything I put in her moth along , with nonfood items (the she puts in her mouth)

We are so blessed to have this spitfire of a girl in our lives.  She is our crazy goofy girl and we love her so much!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hannah Joy has finally discovered our stair and decided to conquer them.  It's amazing what she does when her brother isn't around to distract her!  Thomas was able to record  her 1st ever attempt at the stairs.

Of course she is to humble to gloat in her accomplishment so she just went for the toys!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eli the Ham

And even more pictures!  Eli loves the camera(as long as I'm not the one behind it!) and the camera loves Eli!

My 2 Cuties!

Of course I had to get pictures of my 2 cuties together during Hannah Joy's 9 month photo shoot.  It melts my heart about how much these 2 love each other!  I know that they wont always get along but I sure hope this love between them continues.

More picture overload!

Hannah Joy is 9 Months!

Hannah Joy turned 9 months back on the 20th but I was waiting to post this entry until I got her 9 month pictures back.   Hannah Joy is 14 pounds even and 26 inches long.  That puts her in the less than 5% for weight and 10% for length.  To put into a little more prospective, when Eli was 6 moths old he weighed 14lbs 2 ozs.  So yes she is small but boy does she eat!  

She love yogurt and most of her meals are made up of different types of yogurt.  But she will try pretty much anything (food or not).  Some of her favorites are grapes, strawberries, marinara sauce, roasted pepper sauce and ice cream.  This sweet little thing loves ice cream!  Such a switch from a couple of months ago when we couldn't get her to eat anything and were really worried about her weight.  Her biggest dislike is hummus which her brother use to live off of.

She has been crawling for a little over a month and is starting to tackle the tile floor even though she doesn't like it.  She pulls up and is starting to cruz.  She loves balls and anything her brother is playing with.  Don't try to take a toy from her or you will get to listen to her scream. She likes the water and thinks she can swim because she has been watching her brother swim.  She is getting a lot more independent and loves playing with her toys by herself. 

Now time for picture over load!


We love you Hannah Joy and look forward to watching you grow!