Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

locked keys and Eli laughing at himself

Today was a very interesting day! Eli woke up this morning before 6 am so I know I was in for a trying day. He woke up in a pretty good mood though. I made orange buckwheat pancakes for breakfast and Eli loved them! I thought they were pretty good myself! Because of Eli getting up so early we were ready to go for the day really early. So, Eli and I left for the gym at the same time Thomas left for work. I had a great time working out I ran 6 miles straight and then walk a mile. When I picked up Eli from Kids Club he was crying. The workers said he just started right before I got there. They said a kid took the toy he was playing with and Eli just started crying. I was thinking oh no it's starting now. I knew he was going to start being cranky today since he had so little sleep.

After the gym Eli and I were going to run errands and then meet up with Thomas for lunch. Our first errands were going to be go to Hobby Lobby then to the Goodwill store and last to The Dollar Tree before heading down to spring for more errands. Eli did well in Hobby Lobby, he talked the whole time. He even said colors all through the store. He started to get fussy at the check out. When we got to the car and I was trying to put our purchases in the car Eli threw an all out tantrum! I sat in the car with him while I waited for him to calm down. After he finally calmed down I stood up with him and shut the door and that's when the dread hit me, I lifted the door handle and sure enough I had locked the car and I was looking at my purse (with the keys and cell phone) locked in the car. What's worse is i could not remember Thomas' cell number. Luckily Thomas' office was just a mile down Sawdust/Grogans Mill from Hobby Lobby. So off Eli and I went to Thomas' office. It was actually a nice morning for a walk too. Eli might be a light weight for a 19 month old but he still gets heavy and he would not get down and walk. We got to Thomas' office and he went and unlocked the car for us and then since it was just about lunch time by then we all just went down to Cheddar's for lunch. We had a good lunch with just a little fussiness. I decided to only do the errands that had to be done for the day and then head home to put Eli down for his nap. What I found out later is that a lady was robbed at The Dollar Tree shortly after Eli and I walked to Thomas' office. I am amazed how God watches out for me. That very well could have been me since I am such an easy target with having to deal with a toddler. I could be very upset for locking my keys in the car but now I am happy that the Lord saved me from the purse snatcher!

This evening I left my computer on, on top of the table and Eli was going crazy over the pictures on my screen saver. So I decided that we would sit down on the couch together and go through old pictures on the computer. Eli loved it! It was so fun watching him see the pictures and point out mama and daddy. Everytime he would see some one he knew he would get all excited. I also have video of Eli on the computer and we went trough some of those too and he would just laugh at him self. I had one video of me playing peek-a-boo with Eli behind the couch and Eli was just cracking up laughing at it and kept wanting me to replay it over and over.

Before Bedtime Eli and I were upstairs playing with puzzles and Eli put one puzzle all together all by himself! I am so proud of him, he is such a smart little boy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear friend and silly boys!

Today Eli and visited my dear friend Julie and her 2 little boys, Timothy and Ty. We had such a good time catching up and letting the boys play and get to know each other. Timothy and Eli played really well together we had a few sharing issues but it was not too bad. Ty was just excited to watch Eli drive a car around him and get it close enough for him to touch. He would just squeal with delight. I also got to take Julie and her boys out for lunch in celebration on Julie's 30th birthday which was on Saturday. The boys were awesome and actually ate something and they both got the last Veggie Tales CD in the Chick-fil-a series. And of course Eli and I had to listen to the CD the whole way home (it's only about a 7 to 10 minuted cd to0). After lunch we went back to Julie's house so Ty could get a much needed nap and we let the boys watch Veggie tales while we talked for a little bit. At one point Julie had given the boys each a cars sippy to drink from and they were both sippin on their sippy. At one point Timothy was sitting in the chair and Eli decided he wanted to get up in the chair and sit by Timothy and watch the show with him. This is what we found.

Eli and I had such a great time visiting. We really should get together more often, the boys played really well together!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nana's Birthday Celebration

Nana's birthday is Friday April 30th. We are busy that weekend so we decided to celebrate this Saturday. For Nana's birthday I made her a birthday dinner with appetizer, main meal and dessert. I made her homemade humus with homemade baked wheat tortilla chips, tilapia with a spicy mango sauce, buckwheat risotto, sliced pineapple and salad. For dessert I made a 4 tier chocolate cake layered with dark chocolate gonache and white chocolate cream and iced with a marshmallow cream frosting. It was yummy and can you say chocolate over load! That morning I made the cake part and Eli got to taste my efforts.

We decided we would leave for Nana and Papa's house after Eli's nap that day. When Eli woke up he was in a grumpy mood. He didn't want anything or do anything. Finally I asked him, "do you want to go to Nana and Papa's house?" and he got all excited and we could get him ready fast enough. To get to my parent's house you have to go down 1488 and it is under construction. Eli is really into trucks and tractors right now so the whole way there we hear from the back seat, "truck" and "tractor" in his cute way of saying it! We had a fabulous time celebrating Nana's birthday. Eli even stayed up till 8 that evening. He was having so much fun we just didn't have the heart to put him to bed at his bed time. Eli also gave Nana a birthday gift. He had finger painted with the paints he got for Easter and gave his 1st picture to Nana.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet cousins and Church picnic

Today after I finished my race we went back to Melissa and Jonathan's house so I could clean up and we could get our stuff packed up and head for home. Well, Caleb was suppose to be taking a nap but decided he would rather be up and playing instead. I'm kind of glad he wouldn't take a nap or we wouldn't have gotten to see the cuteness that transpired! Eli got so excited when we told him the Caleb was up. He had been trying to go to Caleb's room when they were trying to get Caleb to take a nap.

Eli really likes his cousin!

Eli all of a sudden says hug and gives Caleb a hug. He had never done that before and we don't even know where he got that from. It was so sweet!

After several hugs (like 15) I think Caleb had, had enough hugs.

Uncle Jonathan had been sitting on the stones and Eli had to sit like his uncle!

Eli just loves his uncle!

Sweet little boy!

Eli also started saying cheese when you take his picture. Jonathan told Eli to say cheese and Eli did! Eli did not want to leave his aunt and uncles house, he was having so much fun. I'm so glad that Eli loves his family!

Eli fell asleep on our way home from League city and got a good nap in too. Which was good since our day was not close to being over. Our Church was having a picnic this evening. Eli had a blast at the picnic. He was running around everywhere! He really enjoyed running up and down the ditch.

Race day!

About 3 months ago I decided I need to do something to keep me motivated in losing weight. I decided I would run a half marathon. I found a race and it was close by to family. Well today was the day of the race! We spent the night with Melissa and Jonathan so that we wouldn't have to worry about driving down south so early in the morning. Thomas dropped me off at the race location at about 6:15 in the morning. And then headed back to the house to wait for Eli to wake up and get him breakfast and ready for the day. Melissa and Jonathan were nice enough to listen for Eli while Thomas was dropping me off at the race site.

All week my knee has been giving me major issues and I was not sure if I would even be able to finish the race let alone run it. Every time during the week when I would run afterwords I would barely be able to walk with the pain that was going on in my knee. So I made the decision to walk the first few mile. I think it was the best decision for me at the time. I ended up walking 3 miles and then running the last 10.1 miles (without stopping). After running 2 miles the pain in my knee went away. I have been praying for days that the lord would take my pain away and had asked other to please pray for me and the Lord answered my prayers! We all assumed that after I was done running that the pain would come but as I lay her typing this my knee still does not hurt! I can still tell there is something up with my knee but there is no terrible pain and I can go up and down stairs with out too much issue.

This was the view from the starting line of the race. The theme is "Salute to Our Military" with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Julie Michelle Koch Lyons Cancer Foundation. Since the theme was Military there were members of the local ROTC there to start us off and raise the flag. We got to run under the flag at the start of the race.

These were the "fans"that came cheer us on at the 2nd mile. I think they are the early morning race fans.

I didn't get any coffee before the race and so I was glad I had no money on me during the race when I saw Coffee Oasis. I would have been the runner out there with coffee in one had and my cell phone in the other. Another hard spot on the race course was around mile 10 there was an Ashley Doughnut and the smell coming from there was unbelievable (can you tell I was hungry?)

Mile 11 what a lovely site! (and a picture of my thumb, it's hard to take pictures and run at the same time!)

Mile 12 almost there! I swear that last mile seemed like the longest mile ever! There were some cute kids at this mile marker handing out cold wet sponges.

This a friend of Thomas' That we didn't even know was running the race until that morning when Thomas ran into her husband.

Me about to cross the finish
line (I'm in the gray shirt with black pants)

Just a few more steps! Then I was greeted with my two biggest fans! What's better then finishing a race and getting a kiss from your 2 favorite guys!

Me and my finisher medal! My first ever medal.

Eli Liked my medal too!

Eli loved my medal He had to wear it in the car and at home.

I guess everyone wanted to wear my medal!

The race was so much fun. Now that this is over I wonder what I will try to do next!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crazy Busy Weekend!

Like most of our weekends we were very busy! We had 3 parties in one day! Our day started out pretty nice, though. Since I was resting for my big race on Sunday I didn't not wake up super early Saturday morning like I have been for the past month. I woke up with the sun. It felt so nice to sleep in. To bad Eli didn't sleep in later since he was up so late the night before. He woke up with the sun and the birds. I don't blame him the birds were LOUD!

Eli I went to a baby shower first thing in the morning. It was for a friend of mine that I met through the hospital's new mommy group. She is having her second baby and it's a girl 9she already has a sweet little boy). I had so much fun catching up with some friends I haven't seen in a while and Eli had a blast playing with all the cool toys. Of course Eli had his moments during the shower since he didn't get enough sleep. At one point Eli threw a tantrum in the middle of the kitchen because I told him he could not have a cookie until he ate something healthy like a banana. He proceeded to lay on the tile floor crying for about ten minutes while everyone ignored him. He finally got up when he got tired of everyone stepping over him. I just love it when I have the only child acting up at a party! Even with Eli's tantrums we still had a lot of fun. I made Melanie's little girl custom burp clothes that I'm pretty proud of.

Eli and I didn't get to stay for the present opening because Eli was past ready to go down for a nap. But I did get to see on present that was really neat from Chanel, it was a meal service that she will deliver frozen for after the baby comes. I think I might have to steal that idea!

Eli and I at the shower

Melanie opening the gift we got her

Eli fell asleep on the way home from the shower. While He napped Thomas and I got things together to head to Abby's 2nd birthday party and then to head down to League City for Thomas' birthday dinner with the family. I hated to do it but I had to wake Eli up from his so we could make it to Abby's birthday party and hour late. We got there just in time for the cake! Stacy did such a wonderful job on the cake. She made an Abby Gabby (from Sesame Street) cake and piped all the detail. I wish I would have taken a picture.

Eli getting in the spirit of the party!

Eli's 1st pinata

Eli was really into picking up the candy. I guess all the Easter egg hunts but him in the mood to hunt candy

He did such a good job picking up the candy and putting it in the bag.

Eli would even pick up candy and put it in other kids bags. If you had a bag open he would put candy in it!

Abby about to open the present Eli brought for her. She was so sweet, when she was told that was from Eli she went and got Eli.

This is when she brought Eli over to watch her open the gift he brought for her.

After we left the party we headed down to League City to celebrate Thomas' 30th birthday with his family. We met everyone at a restaurant called Frenchies. The food was very good and we had a nice evening with family. Eli was in no mood to eat dinner since he had so much cake at the party. He was also over tired and was acting up a bit. I managed to entertain him by showing him the camera. So Eli and I took pictures of everyone at the table.

After he got bored with the camera I gave him my phone to play with and he pretended to call some one on the phone and have a conversation with them too.

After he was done with the phone Eli entertained him self with the candy he got from Abby's birthday party. He would take the candy out of the bag and then put it back in the bag. He also would drive the candy around like a car. After we left the restaurant and went to Melissa and Johnathan's house for presents and cookie cake. We put Eli to bed as soon as we got to their house Caleb was also put to bed as soon as they got home. Eli fell asleep without to much issue which we were very surprised about since he has never spent the night there before and was sleeping in a pack-in-play. We had a good time visiting with family and after they left we had a good time visiting with Melissa and Jonathan. We all stayed up way too late since all 4 of us need to be up early the next morning. It was a fun filled day and we went to bed exhausted!