Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today's the day!

My plans for Saturday morning was to get up really early and head down to memorial park to get my 11 mile run in all before 8 am, then go to my parents house to take shower and pick up the kids.  Well, like usual my insomnia go the best of me and I didn't fall asleep until well after 2 am (more like 3 am), so a 5 am wake up was not happening.  I only remember hitting the snooze 2 times but when I finally got up at was after 7 am so the memorial park run was not happening.  On to plan b, I texted my mom to see if she could now meet me half way around 11:15 she could so I headed out to get my run in.  I decided to run in the neighborhood since I knew I could run about 1/2 my run on a dirt path instead of on the hard road.  My run ended up being really nice even if it was a lot slower then what I was hopping for but my entire body was tired due to not sleeping well. 
Avg Pace

My run was so nice I decided to extend it by .5 miles.  I would have loved to run longer but I need to get stuff done since it was almost time to to meet my mom to get the kids.  I meet my my at Starbucks and to the kids to get up all a treat before heading off to a Halloween party for one of Eli's gymnastic friends.  The kids had a blast, I didn't see much of the boy the whole time we were there, he pretty much stayed in the bounce house.  The Diva was pretty tired from her sleep over at nanny's house so we swung on the swings moat of the time.

She took a break from swinging to go down the slide once.

She also had fun decorating a pumpkin

Drink break for the boy

part of the dessert table I managed to stay away from!

The dessert table was the Diva's favorite part!

The kids took a break from bouncing to have a costume contest.  And then before we had to head home for naps there was the hunted house.

I ended up having to take the boy through it and had to carry him out of it.  Then on the drive home he told me it wasn't scary at all (yeah, right....)

After naps we worked on welcome home signs for daddy.  The kids really got into it but we were on a time crunch (like always).  E had more halloween fun to get to.  Another halloween party but this one was at gymnastics.

After dropping E off at gymnastics the Diva and I headed home to hang up the signs and get ready for bed.

While waiting for Thomas to get home the Diva found some boots she just had to try on.  What goes better with just a diaper then boots!
Then all of a sudden we heard a key in the door and this happened!

After putting the Diva to bed, Thomas and I thought it would be fun to surprise E by having daddy pick him up from gymnastics.  Wish I could have gotten some pictures of that surprise!  We are all happy to have Thomas home where he belongs!

Friday, October 25, 2013

One More Day.....

You know what Friday means?  Just one more day until Thomas gets home!!!!

Our Friday started out like every other day.  We had breakfast but no video chat with daddy due to scheduling conflicts.  Do to my new diet of trying to double my protein intake I had a huge portion of eggs for breakfast.  My scrambled egg breakfast consisted of 32g of protein.  That is a lot of eggs and I was stuffed but it was only 4 points plus!
This is what 1 whole egg and 3/4 cups of egg beaters looks like with .25 cups of cheese.
While the boy and I waited for the Diva to wake up a little art action took place.
Don't know why he is working on the kitchen table as opposed to the art table.
After the Diva woke up we headed to the gym.  Friday is my Arm/back day.  So after 30 minutes on the elliptical (and I was still very sore from legs day on Wednesday) I hit the weight floor.  I like to do the assisted pull up/dip machine 1st but I ended up having to do almost all of my workout 1st before being able to get on that machine.  It was a very popular machine today!  As soon as I started my 1st set a trainer comes up to me and asks if I am almost finished, "um no, I just started"  Then asks if they can cut in, "um no, I go back and forth with not much rest in-between (not to mention that I have waited over 30 minutes for this machine).  Then she proceeded to stand right next to the machine like a hawk until I was finished.  Seeing as it was the top of the hour so she had just started the training session couldn't she move on to something else 1st!?

In trying to increase my muscle mass I am trying to drink a protein drink right after I do my weight routine.  This is hard seeing that I am still very full from breakfast (which was almost 4 hours earlier).  So I have been drinking ISO pure zero card premixed drinks from the gym.  It is pretty gross but has the highest about of protein with the least amount of junk and calories.  It is basically water with whey protein and flavoring.  A very short ingredient list!
40g of protein for only 4 points plus.
Instead of hitting up Starbucks after the gym for a treat for the kids I got them vanilla milk from the gym (Starbucks is cheaper!)  Then we headed to Hobby Lobby to get supplies to make welcome home signs for Thomas.  Then home for lunch and early naps since we had afternoon plans.  After the kids got up from their naps they got to video chat with Thomas!  But we had to make it short because we were trying to get out of the house and head to Nanny's houses before the traffic got too bad.  Didn't work the traffic was bad!  I don't think there is a good way to get to my parents house, we got stuck in Magnolia traffic.  We finally got to my parents house but we were hopping to make it my Mom's school instead but with the traffic we just went straight to their house.

The kids spent the night at my parents so I could go birthday shopping for the Diva and then be able to do my long run in the morning.  I can no longer shop for the Diva with the Diva.  She is way to smart.  I am not sure how I am going to Christmas shop this year..  If I thought the traffic was bad going to my parents, it was even worse trying to get back to the woodlands!  Took me over 30 minutes to get out of Magnolia!  I guess nest time I will try 2920 to see if it is any better, I just didn't want to deal with Tomball traffic.

I finally got to the Woodlands and got all my shopping done and headed home.  The weirdest thing happened when I got home.  I thought I was going to be greeted by my cat when I got home.  Patches has been dead for about 2 years now.  I was really sad when I realized she wouldn't be there when I walked in the door.  My only guess of why I thought she would be there was because I stopped by sonic on the way home for dinner to eat at home while watching some TV.  When I was pregnant with Eli I would stop by sonic a lot on my way home from work, while Thomas was out of town, for dinner.  Then I would come home eat it while watching TV and pet patches how would sit on my lap or next to me while I ate.  I really do miss my cat....


Saturday part 2 - Super Birthday Party!

After the race the marathon began, the party marathon!  I left market street and went straight to Party City to pick up the balloons.  2 balloons didn't even make it to the car and another one pooped when I put them in the car.  The kiddos where at home with nanny.  When I got home I didn't even get a hug, a hello or a "how was your race" from the kids they immediately wanted me to come see the bounce house that was delivered a little earlier.  They also wanted me to come out and bounce but that was not happening after just finishing the race not even an hour earlier!  

The kids were being crazy which was to be expected since they knew their party was coming up and there was a big bounce house in our back yard!  Luckily I saw that the new fire house by our house was having an open house, so I asked my mom to please take the kids to that and then McDonald's for lunch.  And I got to cleaning and decorating.

I order 2 cakes from a good friend of the family that has started getting into the cake decorating business.  I just wanted 2 small cakes because my kids don't actually eat cake.  They always want cake but they never actually eat cake!  Then I made a large dirt cake.  Every year that I have made a dirt cake for a party everyone has loved it.  I even made fondant to decorator it!  All 3 cakes were a big hit and I was only left with one slice of chocolate cake and about 1 cup of dirt cake!

the cakes my friend made E's cake is white and the Diva's cake is chocolate.  They both have a super hero figure on them that match the invitation.  I didn't realize the one picture I got was blurry!

The capes and masks I made, I love using the give aways as decoration!

The food table almost all set up

It had been threatening to rain all day (50% chance) but kept blowing on by.  My mom and I had been praying all day that the rain would stay away.  About an hour before the party started it poured!  Then it stopped after about 20 or so minutes.  Luckily my parents were there to help out.  The bounce house was full of water.  After I tried unsuccessfully to get the water off of the roof my dad had the great idea to deflate the bounce house and get the water out that way.  It worked great.

E and my dad working hard to dry off the bounce house.
I had a plan 2  in case of the rain.  My parents helped me move all the tables under the patio and dry all the tables and chairs off.  My plan was to keep the food out side but set up a superhero show in the house for the kids to watch if it ended up raining during the party.

The patio all set up.  Helium balloons do not like to get wet!  I don't think I will be doing balloons much  for a party anymore, I just don't have much luck with them!

Before we knew it is was time for the party to begin.  I ended up having to wake the Diva up from her nap since true to my kids nature they only take long naps when we have something going on after nap time!  It was so cute when I woke her up, though, I told her it was time for her party and she got all excited and shot up!.
Super Hero HJ still needed time to "wake up"

Super E was rearing to go!

I did manage one picture with Super HJ but not one with Super E

She woke up enough for cheese balls!

Super E took a break from fighting crime for some juice.

Cheese face, never could get a good picture of either of their outfits!

It did end up raining off and on during the whole party but the lightning stayed away so we kept the party going outside.  The kids had a blast playing a jumping in the rain.  I was so worried about the rain, I should not have worried so much.  God had a plan the whole time.  He even sent us a rainbow for the party.  

The kids took a break from fighting crime to come do birthday cake.

My one and only shot with the birthday kids.

We are getting too many candles, Thanks Allison for helping me get them all lit!

The Diva loved the happy birthday song.

She loved it o much she was unhappy when it was over and didn't want to blow out her candles

It stopped raining long enough for us to do the pinata!

I think I over filled it with candy because it broke off it's plastic tie and I ended up having the kids beat it on the ground.  They didn't care, all they wanted was to hit it and get the candy!  After the pinata most of the party guests said their goodbyes and headed for home. That made it the perfect time to go in and do presents.

The loot before.

The Diva was really getting into the presents!  I loved her reaction to everything she opened, wish I would have gotten it on video!

Not sure why the little boys are so into TMNT.  Eli had never even seen an episode until Caleb's Birthday.

The Diva had to take a break from presents to try on a few.

But she had 2 more left, the tuto came off  half way throw the present opening.

SHe was so excited for bitty baby!

The after!

He had been asking for this clock for almost a whole year!  Thank you Nanny!

This bike has been in our house for 2 weeks.  The only place I could "hide" it was in the utility room.  Every night E goes into the utility room to put his dirty clothes in the washer.  He has never once seen or noticed this huge bike in there.  Just before the party I moved the bike to right inside the door of the utility room so I could more easily get it out when it was time for presents.  Right before the party I had to go to the utility room for something and E followed me in there and that's when he saw the bike.  He was so surprised and I was so upset with myself. I kept that bike hidden for 2 weeks only to ruin right before the big revile.  Oh well he loved it but I am sorry Nanny had to miss his reaction to her gift.

He loves his new bike, thank you nanny!

Art table made by Aunt Leona, you would not believe what a huge hit this was with the kids!

Trying out some of her new things, this is why she is the Diva!

Love the look on Aaron's face in reaction to the Diva!

Uncle Jonathan helping out with E's new clock while Super C looks on

Then this happened
The Diva's new clown made by great granny Mullinnix.

We had a super birthday party!  Thank you everyone that came out and celebrated with us and got wet!  I still can't believe how well the party turned out even with all the rain.  God really did watch over us that day because when putting the kids to bed it started raining and did not let up until well into Sunday.  I could not have done this with out all the help from family and friends, thank you so much for helping me make this a special day for my babies!