Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Crazy Weekend!

I love our weekends no matter how busy and crazy they become! It seems even if we don't have much on the calender we seem to still make the weekend busy. Saturday I met up with my mom and Eli at the mall. Thomas stayed home to work on the master bath. Eli had so much fun with Nana and Papa Saturday morning. They had pancakes for breakfast. Nana put real maple syrup on Eli's pancakes but Papa had something different on his pancakes so of course that's what he wanted. So Eli not only had his first taste of maple syrup but strawberry syrup too and loved both! I missed my boy so much but am glad that he loves sending time with Nana and Papa. After Eli's nap on Saturday Thomas and I decided to take him to Market Street to enjoy the beautiful weather. Eli had such a good time. We also took the trolley over to Town Green park and Eli had a blast in the Labyrinth. He was just running around going daddy-daddy-da-da-da-daddy. He would run into a dead end and just laugh and laugh.

Sunday after church, Sunday school and lunch we had a Sunday school class meeting. Ther was childcare but since it was Eli's nap time we decided to keep him with us through the meeting. He had a good time sitting on the floor taking everything out of my purse and wallet and then putting it all back in my purse. It kept him busy the whole time. After Eli's nap we went to go watch Thomas play Football. Boy was it cold. The temp said 69 but that wind would blow right through you! We had a good time watching Thomas play but only stayed for the first game. Eli and I were cold so we went home and did Eli's favorite activity vacuum!

Eli can now blow zerberts. And he will blow them on my tummy and on my check! He is also now signing please. I so look forward to finding out what other new thing he will learn tomorrow!

Eli taking out the trash

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fabulous Friday

What a fun filled day! Eli and I started off our morning with a run to Krogers. Eli had his first ride through the store in the front part of the cart and he absolutely loved it! He was being all whiny and fussy when he was in the small seat area but as soon as I moved him to the front of the cart and he got to face forward he was in such good spirits. Than we went home to make breakfast tacos for MOPs. Eli "helped" me cook the sausage. He got his own wooden spoon and attempted to stir the meat like mommy.

After MOPs Eli had his nap and I had to wake him up after only 2.5 hours so we could head to Nana and Papa's house. Eli was not happy about me waking him up! But once we put him in the car and gave him his snack of "trail mix" he was a happy camper all the way to Waller. He munched on his "trail mix" (made up of cheerios, goldfish, rains and fruit snacks)all the way to Magnolia. He loves playing at Nana & Papa's house and was so excited to see Nana, he came running and basically jumped into her arms when she got home from work. We believe Eli can say doggy now too. When he saw Rascal out side he ran to the window yelling (what we think was) doggy! Eli ate almost a whole piece of meat lovers pizza, I say almost because I was telling Eli that he could have a cupcake if he finished the last little piece of pizza that was on his tray and Papa came up and popped it into his mouth. I can't believe how good Eli's memory is sometimes. Back in early December Nana had these mini cupcakes in her cake holder and I would give Eli one after he finished his meal. Now every time we are over he points to the empty cake holder asking for a cupcake. Of course every time lately Eli has been over Nana has had a cupcake for him.

Tonight after we put Eli to bed at Nana and Papa's house, Nana says 'oh no, we didn't move the crib away from the wall. Eli can reach the light switch to the closet". No sooner was that out of her mouth then we hear click, click, click from the monitor. Eli was playing with the light switch! How he could find it in the dark I will never know!

Every since we got sick, I have been blowing my nose a lot. So much that Eli has now started "blowing" his nose. He takes a tissue or wet wipe and holds it up to his nose and blows. It's not actually hard enough to accomplish anything but it sure is cute. You can hand Eli a tissue and tell him to blow his nose and he will!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eli's gym girlfriend

Today when I dropped Eli off at the kids club there was a little girl there, (and I guess she is a regular too), that as soon as Eli walked in the door said, "hi Eli", and grabbed his hand and walk off with him. She must be about 2 1/2 or 3. About 20 minutes later I came downstairs to meet with my trainer and I went and checked on him and I saw the same little girl still holding his hand leading him around the room. When I was picking him up I mentioned to one of the workers about this little girl and how she was sweet on Eli and she told me that at one point Eli came up to the worker wanting to be picked up. So she picked him and then the little girl came over and told her, "put Eli down", the worker said, "he doesn't want to be put down right now" and the little girl pouted. I guess my little boy has a gym girlfriend! I need to find out who her mom is!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Eli's first kiss!

Today is Eli's normal Gymboree day. Today during parachute time Eli was sitting under the parachute and just enjoying it going up and down and a little girl just came over and bent down and gave Eli a kiss on the lips! Wish I would have had a camera! Eli also learned where his arms are. I held out my arm and would rub them up and down and say this is mommy's arm and then take his arm and and rub it up and down and say this is Eli's arm. So when I asked him where his arm was he would hold it out and rub his arm up and down!

Fun with mom and dad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting back to normal

I think Eli and I are pretty much over the bug that has taken over our lives for the past 2 weeks. It was so nice to start the week with our normal activities instead of being stuck inside the house all day!

Sunday, after church we took Eli to Luby's with some other families from our Sunday School class. We got Eli a kids meal there (which is a ton of food!). Included in the kids meal is Jello. Eli has never had Jello before. He picked the red Jello over the blue (that's my boy!). He loved it, he ate almost the whole entire dish. I was actually really surprised he liked it, I can't stand the stuff the texture grosses me out. But Eli just kept eating it. After Elli's nap we went to go "watch" Thomas play football. It was such a wonderful day for being outside. Eli had a blast playing with Paton and Sydney.

Monday was just our normal busy day. We went to the gym first thing in the morning. Eli normally takes my gym tag into the kids club with him and today was the first time he lost it! Oh well it turned up the next day. After the gym we rushed over to weight watchers so I could weigh in. Eli decided that he wanted to touch everything in the place. I'm so glad I decided not to stay for the meeting, it would have been so much fun to try and keep him semi contained during the meeting! Next we rushed all the way across town for a playdate with our Sunday School class. Eli was a bit clingy there, since it was a place we have never been before. Eli fell asleep on the way home so he missed lunch. After his nap Thomas came home and I went grocery shopping. Eli and Thomas had a great time together that evening. They even started roaring (like a lion) at each other. That's after Eli played peek-a-boo in his high chair to get out of eating dinner.

Today again was a busy day. We started out at the gym first thing and then went to Bible study. When I dropped him off at the nursery at church 3 of his friends were crying, hard. Eli gave me a look as if to say, I don't want to go in there with those crying babies! I pointed out Reagan, who was not crying, and he went over to play with him. After Bible study and after Eli had to say bye to all the people he new we went home for lunch. I served him his PB&J at his table and he loved that. Eli's nap today lasted about 4 and a half hours! And he was not in a good mood when he got up. But after we got some food into him he started acting like his normal crazy self. He learned how to give his mommy zerberts on her tummy and thought it was so funny when his daddy did the same to mommy! He also decided to play basketball by putting his basketball in his little green bucket and then throwing that through the hoop. He did that several times. For some reason today Eli decided to take up crawling again, he was crawling all over the place. He even got Thomas to crawl under the table with him and have their first fort! I also think he started saying daddy today even if Thomas doesn't think that's what he is saying. I love watching my little man grow and learn and discover different things!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Vacuum

When Eli was born he use to love the vacuum, It would calm him down and put him to sleep. If he was fussy I would vacuum the house and he would fall asleep in the sling. I have even put him in his swing and just turn the vacuum on next to him and he would fall asleep. Then when he got to be about 6 or seven months old something happened and he became terrified by the vacuum. Which meant I hardly ever got to vacuum unless he was asleep in his room. So a couple of months ago we decided to start "vacuum therapy". We started by just always leaving the vacuum out where he could see it (Eli was so scared of the vacuum he wouldn't go anywhere near it). Then after he got to the point where he would touch the vacuum I would start vacuuming while holding Eli (luckily he only weighs 20 lbs). This went on for a couple of months. Now just the other day I have been able to put Eli down while I vacuum and he has wanted to "help" vacuum. But I think we have created a vacuum monster! He is obsessed with the vacuum cleaner. He has to play with it all the time. He wants me to vacuum multiple times a day! He has to say good morning and good night to the vacuum. I think soon we will be putting the vacuum in the closet where it belongs.

Yesterday was Saturday and is usually my morning "off" and I go to the gym by myself. Yesterday, though, Thomas was not feeling well so I took Eli to the gym with me. I then decided after the gym I would take Eli to Market Street and let him run around. While we were at Market Street Eli saw a cute little girl playing in the fountain (she was 15 months), so of course Eli had to go over and play with her. Eli proceeded to get him self completely soaked! Thomas was coming to meet us for lunch so I called him to see if he could bring a change of clothes but he had already left the house. So we went over to Baby Gap and bought Eli a shirt, jeans, socks and shoes. Eli was needing new jeans, shoes and socks anyways so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. The only pair of jeans there I liked cost more then any pair of jeans that Thomas or I own! But they are really cute on him! Nana said that the jeans could be part of his Easter outfit from her. Thank you Nana!

Eli and the cute little girl

Eli playing in the fountain

The new outfit

Friday, February 19, 2010

Still Sick!

Well, Eli is better but I am still under the weather. I have actually totally lost my voice. I sure hope Eli is a good boy today because my "mommy means it" voice is not here! We did get out of the house yesterday. We went to the gym, since I had a training session, and then we met our friends Carolina and David at the mall for a play date. Eli is getting so many teeth at once that he is a bit cranky so every time he would fall down he would cry so we didn't last at the germ tree for very long. Eli was such a little gentleman at lunch and ate almost all of his nuggets and half a banana (I gave the other half to David). When Eli finished his banana he signed more and luckily David could care less about it so I gave David's half to Eli. Eli could care less about the frys and only wanted the banana. He was even trying to eat the nuggets and banana with a fork! We then rode the carousel and Eli wanted to ride the giraffe. He was so good at the mall I decided to get him a cookie on the way out!

Thomas got to come home early from work yesterday so that was a fun treat for Eli. They had a blast playing out on the patio together. And after it got dark we all got to play inside together. Eli was so cute with his truck. He has started putting stuff into it and driving it around. He was even putting his blanky in the back and climbing into it like was going to sleep. Then he just started being a ham since I got the camera out to take pictures. Eli acted like he wanted to go to bed around 6:15 which was nice because I was going to MNO and would be there to put him to bed. So Thomas got him ready for bed and read him his storys and then when we got ready to say prayers Eli folded his hands and bowed his head for the first time! Of cousr as I was leaving I heard in the monitor "Uh Oh" over and over again. He was throwing his stuff out of the crib! Thomas said he didn't get the boy to sleep until 7:30, that's after we put him to bed at 6:30!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I haven't posted anything for a couple of days because Eli has been really sick. This was Eli's first major illness. He's been running a fever since Tuesday afternoon. I took him to the Dr. on Wednesday morning and he got his first throat culture done. Thank goodness it wasn't Strep and just a virus. But still my little boy has been miserable! His fever kept coming back and every morning it was higher then the last morning. The fever finally broke Friday morning as my sweet baby was asleep in my arms.

This morning I woke up in the middle of the night feeling terrible and running a fever. I knew it was just a matter of time before I got sick too! But Thomas being the sweet and wonderful husband/father is taking care of the boy today and his sick wife. Eli is still sick even though you wouldn't know it by looking at him. His voice is raspy and he was running a 99 degree fever when he got up. He aslo has a fountain for a nose. He so badly wants wants to get out of the house, the poor boy has been confined to the house since Tuesday afternoon and he is so use to going somewhere almost everyday.

I think it's very ironic that Eli wold chose this weekend to get sick since we had such a fun busy weekend scheduled! Friday Eli was going to get to go to his first Kids Night Out at the church. Then today he had 2 birthday parties to go to. One was a Gymboree party that he would just have so much fun at. Oh well there will always be other fun things to do on other weekends!

Eli in his truck

Eli playing with the Valentines Nana sent

Trying on mommy's shoes

Eli eating a snack and watching TV

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A normal Tuesday

Yesterday we had our playgroup Valentine's Day party. Cindy and Evann hosted and did a wonderful job! The kids got to play, snack and pass out Valentines to each other. Cindy also took pictures so that we could make picture frames of out little ones. Eli had so much fun that it took him a long time to wind down, he finally went down for his nap at 3!

Today was a very busy Tuesday (like normal)! When I woke Eli up at 7 this morning he wanted to wear his hat. He wore it all morning even while eating breakfast!

We made it to the gym, where Eli now just walks on in like he owns the place! Then on to Bible study where again he thinks he's the man! Last we came home for lunch and nap time. As I was giving Eli a banana I was trying to teach him how to say banana and it was sounding like he was getting it too. When I tried to break it down for him, ba-na-na all he could get was ba. After lunch he played in the kitchen while I cleaned for a bit. He decided to pretend to fill the pitcher he got out of the cabinet with water out of the refrigerator. And when he was done he put it away and slammed the cabinet door (just like I did a few seconds before). When Eli woke up from his nap he was running a fever so we didn't go to Gymboree open Gym today. Eli has to be one of the best sicky babies ever. You would never know he's sick. If he didn't feel so warm I would have never known he was sick. I pray that he gets over what ever is bothering him qucikly!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Today started out wonderful! Thomas and I got to sleep in and get ready for church before little man got up. Thomas actually had to wake Eli up at 7:45. Even with Eli getting up so late we were only 15 minutes late for church. Such a wonderful and meaningful sermon this morning about putting God first.

Eli fell asleep on the way home from lunch and then proceeded to take a 4 hour and 20 minute nap! After Eli finally got up we went to Dove, Brandon and Benjamin's house for a super bowl party. Eli had a blast with all the little kids there. It's so great to be involved with a Sunday School class that has a ton of kids the same age as ours! The game started out great then we left during half time and it was down hill from there. I can't believe the Colts handed the game over to the Saints!

Eli after the party with Chocolate all over his bib

Eli very upset about the Saints touchdown!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Zoo

Today we took Eli to the zoo. It's members first Saturday so the zoo opened for members at 8 instead of 9, which is neat because the animals are getting fed and are a lot more active. I woke up extra early so I could go to the gym and get home in time to get the lunches made and everyone ready and out the door by 8. We got out the door by 8:12 which I think is pretty good! We had so much fun at the zoo. We took Eli to see the big cats first. The tiger was very interested in what was going on in the lion's area and couldn't stop looking over there but that gave us a great look at him. All the lions were out and very active. The guy lion is very vocal so we got to listen to him roar! After the zoo we took Eli over to Herman park for a picnic and to play. He had a great time on the play ground and with all the other little kids.

We got home by afternoon and spent the rest of the day at home playing around here. Eli only took a 30 min. nap so we didn't know how the day was going to go. But Eli was very good and very funny! He did the most interesting thing today he got the wipes and changing mat out and then came over and grasped Thomas' finger and stood on the mat. He needed his diaper changed! Then later he got his wipes out and brought them to me, he need his diaper changed again. I'm wondering if this might not be the first signs of him being ready to potty train (but that's probably my wishful thinking)! Eli also heard a roar on TV today and started roaring too. Now he knows what a cow says and what a lion says!

I look forward to seeing what tomorrow has in store for us!