Friday, June 10, 2011

Introducing Baby......

Baby girl Mullinnix's name is going to be Hannah Joy Mullinnix! Thomas and I had three names we couldn't decide between, Hannah Joy, Ava Joy and Emma Joy. Well, Eli was the deciding factor, we can't get him to consider any other name other than Hannah! There also other reasons why we love the name Hannah, the name means God has favored me, Hannah is also the woman in the Bible that prayed for a baby and God blessed her with Samuel which she then gave back to the Lord and was raised by the priest Eli and the name Hannah Joy has the same amount of letters that Eli Eldred has.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The twos!

I have always heard about the terrible twos but so far I love the age 2 and Eli is 32 months. Eli does have his moments but most of the time it has been so much fun watching him grow, learn and inter act with different things.

I love the conversations I am having with my son now. I love learning his likes and dislikes and the unique things that make him Eli. Like today when we were passing Target he told me that we needed to go to Target to get the baby a cute outfit. That just melted my heart.

Somethings he says to me are not so sweet like yesterday at nap time I asked him if I could lay down with him, he told me no and to leave and shut the door. Then at bed time I was laying in his bed with me and he looks at me and says, "I don't want you here". Even though he didn't want me with him at those usual time I love seeing him become independent.

I am so excited to continue watching my little guy grow and I am also excited about getting to experience these different stages with baby girl!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Movie Club House & the pool

Today started the Summer Movie Club house at the movie theater. Eli and I did this last year too but Eli would only last about 20 to 40 minutes of the movie before we had to leave. Since the tickets only cost me 50 cents I really didn't mind. This year I have high hopes for making it through most of the movies. Today's movie was Marmaduke and Eli made it through the whole move! He did not sit and watch the whole movie through but he watched most of it and was well behaved.

After nap I took Eli to our subdivison pool. We stayed for 1.5 hours and Eli had a blast. I am super proud of me for taking him because I really don't care much for our pool. The 2 of us had a blast together playing in the water though. He was begging to go back after dinner though!

Just some random things from Eli:

This morning while sitting outside together Eli turns to me and says, "I'm a cucumber" (from veggie tales)

Anytime Eli tells me he went pee in the potty I tell him "That's awesome!" Today at the movies his little friend said, "Eli I have to go pee pee". Eli said, "that's awesome"

Computer games with daddy

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daddy's Little helper!

Eli and I went to Ikea awhile back to get furniture for his new big boy room. If you ever bought anything from Ikea you know about the assembly. The other night Thomas decided to put together the night stand with Eli. Eli had a great time helping his daddy and getting to use tools. The big surprise was Eli really was a great helper!

1st Eli held the screws for dad

But then he had to put them down so he could explore the power screw driver

But he still managed to had daddy the screws when needed

Eli then studied how daddy used the screw driver

So that he could use it too!

After mastering the screw driver Eli moved on to the hammer and actually got the wooden pegs hammered into the holes.

More of Eli's handy work

Then Eli helped daddy with the screws again.

I foresee a lot more father son projects in the future!

Eli's new bed and baby's 1st gift

What an exciting day we had today! It started out so nice, I had a dentist appointment so instead of our usual routine of get up, have breakfast and head to the gym we just cuddled in bed for a bit then leisurely had breakfast. Then Nanny showed up to watch Eli while I got to go to the dentist.

Normally I wouldn't be so excited about a dentist appointment but I have been dealing with this tooth issue for 4 months. Every time I get pregnant I break a tooth, (probably due to my lack of calcium) and this pregnancy has been no different. This tooth started breaking right after I found out I was pregnant but want that bad to began with and before I could get this tooth taken care of one of my fillings fell out which was painful. But being pregnant I could not get dental work done until my 2nd trimester, so as soon as I got the ok from the Dr. I got the filling taken care (since it was pretty painful). While work was done on my filling the vibration from the drilling caused the other tooth to break more! But due to scheduling I could not get it fixed until today, so I was so ready to get this tooth fixed and have never been so happy to get dental work done!

After my dental appointment Nanny, Eli and I went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch and then headed over to the mall so Nanny could do some much needed errands. One of the 1st things she need was make-up and score for her it was free gift time! While E and I waited for her to finish up her purchase the song Thriller came on and Eli just started dancing like crazy!

While driving home from the mall for Eli's nap I got the call that the deliver company was on their way with Eli's new bed. That was great except they came right at nap time! Oh well at least we got the bed, which we bought off Craig's list for a great price that included delivery and assembly! So Eli finally got his nap in his new bed just 1 hour and 40 minutes late. Now on Saturday Eli's room will be painted and put together, I am so excited for Eli's new big boy room!

(Eli didn't want me to take his picture in his bed)

When Nanny came over she brought a gift for the baby from a family friend. It was such a sweet surprise and I absolutely love it!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mullinnix Family reunion

Today we made the 3 hour drive to Delhi for Thomas' family reunion. It's suppose to be 3 hours but with me being pregnant it took a while longer! If your wondering Delhi is in the middle of nowhere.

Since we were seeing Thomas' side of the family today we decided to hold off telling them until today. We decided to do it with a gender reveal cake. You know the gender once you cut into the cake and the cake is either pink or blue. Of course as soon as we got there Grandma came out to the car to get Eli. I just had a talk with Eli to tell him not to tell anyone he's getting a sister. As soon as he saw Grandma he yelled. "I'm getting a sister!" Luckily I was able to cover it up before anyone heard it.

The 1st thing anyone want to do was cut into the cake (not to actually eat it, though).
This is the cake before it was cut into

We all let grandpa do the honors. It's pink a girl!

We all had lunch together of BBQ

Grandpa's birthday is Monday so we all celebrated

Eli decided to color with his cousins stuff but that's ok because....

Caleb decided to play with Eli's toys! They shared their toys with each other very well!

Some of the guys decided to play dominoes

Eli actually took this picture of grandma and Caleb. Katy tried ducking out of the picture but Eli managed to take 10 pictures of her!

Aunt Katy being silly!

We had a good time with our family but before we knew it, it was time to head home. On our way home our 3 hour trip turned into a 4 hour trip! We were all very happy to get home and out of the car!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sugar & Spice

Thursday I had the big ultra sound. Right off the bat the tech told us it's a girl!! As soon as the tech put the wand on my tummy we had a butt shot, so the tech asked me what I thought it was and I said, "well, I don't see a penis" and the tech said yep it's a girl. We are so excited and happy for our new little blessing and we are over the top excited that it's a girl. Everything looked great and she is measuring right on track. She was a being a bit of a toot and would not move her hands from her face. We also got to watch her hit me over and over again. This little girl has been so active, I have been feeling her move since 12 weeks and Thomas felt her at 17 weeks. With Eli I didn't feel him move until 19 weeks and Thomas some time after 20 weeks!

To tell you how much she moves, earlier on Thursday I had my normal 20 week check up and when the nurse tried to get the heart beat she was moving so much it took her almost 5 minutes just to get enough beats in a row to measure the heart hate. Every time the nurse would find the heart beat she would either kick the doppler or move away. Poor Eli was so excited to get to hear the heart beat but he never really got to since she would be still long enough. He did get to her her kick the doppler and he thought that was pretty neat!

Here are some pictures from the ultra sound
This is my favorite shot

Arm across the face

only face shot with out her arms or hand in her face!

Cute little legs and feet!

black & white of the 1st picture

B&W of 2nd picture

great profile picture! I love this picture because we have a similar one of Eli.

This is Eli at 18 weeks

After the ultra sound we went to get Eli from our friends house and went to Target to look at pink stuff. I saw a cute new born outfit and Eli asked to see. So I handed it to him and he said, "it's so cute! I want to get it for the baby!" My heart melted! I can not wait to meet this little girl, now we just have to come up with a name!

The Wheels on the bus...err baby

Fluffy Hair

Eli doesn't like having his hair washed in the bath so i wash it in the sink. After we're done I rub his head with a towel and he gets fluffy hair. Eli loves fluffy hair!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some 1st for Eli

This week has been a week of firsts for Eli. On Monday Eli received his 1st black eye! Still not quite sure what happened with that. Eli and his cousin were playing hide and seek in the back bedroom of Nanny's house when all of a sudden we hear Eli crying and his cousin saying, "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!". The story we got out of them was Eli was climbing the ladder and his cousin pulled him off because he thought Eli could be up on the bunk beds.

Then on Tuesday Eli received his 1st burn! I was making the boy pancakes on the stove. While I was cooking them Eli was standing next to me watching. He totally understood that it was hot and noticed the fire from the gas burner. When I was done I turned of the burner and Eli asked if the fire was gone and I said yes. But what he didn't understand was that the stove was still hot! He touched it with the tip of his finger so now he has a small burn on the tip of his finger. But now he understands how hot the stove is!