Saturday, July 14, 2012


I leave my Deceptively Delicious out on my counter top to make people think I entice myself to cook healthy.  One benefit of having it on the counter top is that E flipped through it and picked out a recipe to make together.  He picked out the Popsicle recipe.  

They were super easy to make and very yummy.

Eli even liked them and he is not big on anything cold like Popsicle and ice cream (weird, I know) 

HJ couldn't get enough of them!
gotta live the tongue action

Licking was just not fast enough so she tried biting.

Isn't that a cute little tongue?

Popsicle face!  The green is some saute zucchini she had for dinner.

Big Girl & Gymnastics

The Diva decided that she was to good for her infant car seat and she need a car seat that would be more fitting for the Diva that she is.  So, Saturday I got Eli's old car seat all cleaned up and washed up.

We also got HJ a walking toy since she really wants to start walking
I think she likes it

Saturday Evening we all loaded up and head out to our friend, Evann's, 4th birthday party.  It was at a gymnastics gym.  Eli was a bit to fast for me to get pictures of him so I just had to get some of HJ.
Adelaide decided that she would babysit the babies and HJ was very happy with that idea.

But then she got a glimpse of Ann's cell phone and she had to see if she could get a taste of it.

I managed to snag a picture of E swinging on the rope.

HJ discovered a trampling that was her size.

And just  because I think these pictures are cute

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rainy Water Park

Wednesday morning we had plans to meet our cousins in Baytown at Pirates Bay.  That  morning the only area in Houston that was not getting rained on was the Baytown area.  So we packed up, held our breath and crossed our fingers that the rain would stay away.  It just started sprinkling off and on as we got to Pirates bay but no lightning so we decided to go for it.  One good thing about going to a waterpark on a rainy day is that you pretty much have the whole place to yourself.   Eli, Sean, and Reagan had a blast.  Hannah Joy was having a good time too but the poor thing was shivering.

Sean and Eli had fun splashing each other.  This is huge for Eli because he use to cry if anyone splashed him in the face.  Seems like swim lessons are really helping!

Just a picture of The Diva to show that she was there too!

After playing in the water for about an hour Abby and I had had enough of being cold (can you believe one can get cold in TX in the middle of July?!) and decided to head somewhere dry (at least it only cost us $5)

Since we were close by to the Mall we decided to head there and let the kids play before meeting up with Granny for lunch.  Reagan would go from trying to keep up with the boys to playing with Hannah Joy.  Poor Reagan, not quite big enough to keep up with the boys (even though her and E wear the same size shoes!) and too old for playing with a baby!

Finally it was lunch time, Abby had arranged for us to meet up with Granny for lunch at the Golden Coral.  We had a lovely  lunch where I was one of "those" people with the terrible kids.  The Diva was just not happy and throwing a fit for most of the lunch.  Eli was being his normal loud self, while trying to crawl under the table.  The Diva in her fit throwing had food and cheerios all over the table and floor.  Wouldn't you want to come sit next to us?!  I think The Diva was a bit over whelmed by the buffet because as soon as we left she calmed down.

Of course the boys were not done playing so we headed over to Abby's house to get a little more play time in before we headed back north.  Granny even stopped by to get a little more great grandkid time in.

HJ was enjoying her Granny time

A little granny love

Just because pic
Doesn't every home have an Eli bridge?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What to do on a rainy day?

With all the rain we have been having what's a kid suppose to do?  We decided to do one of our favorite activities, candy making.  This time we decided to include The Diva in on it.  Eli decided it was time to make another batch of  York peppermint patties.

I remembered to get my camera after we mixed everything up.  When we turn on our mixer, Eli now reminds  me not to turn it on too high so we don't have another disaster like we did during our Christmas Cookie decorating adventure.
I know she doesn't look like it but HJ was having a good time and got really into watching everything.

While waiting for the peppermint to chill we had a yogurt break.

yogurt face!  Don't you love how lady like she sits...

E had to have banana before we started cutting the peppermint

E loves the heart shaped York patties so that's what he chose.  E is getting very good at using the cookie cutters

Time for Chocolate!

My helpers flaked out on me and had to have a play break

E finally came back to help cover the peppermint with chocolate.  The Diva decided that since she didn't get to eat any that she wasn't helping anymore.

Our finished products.  E always likes to keep some candy undipped.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday stuff

Sunday morning Diva decided to be awake from 4 am until 6 am, so of course she slept in once she got back to sleep.  I had to teach Sunday school at 8:45 so HJ and Thomas got to spend the morning together while E and I made it to church.  The Diva was in a great mood and decided to check out yesterdays purchase before she and daddy headed to church.

Passed the Diva inspection!

We learned way to Diva's heart, Cheerios!  Give HJ cheerios and she will love you.  Thomas told her nursery workers about the trick when he dropped her off.  When I went to feed HJ I found her sitting on the floor playing and crawling around happy.  I stood there just watching her for a few moments and then asked her if she was hungry.  She looked at me and then checked to see if her teacher had any more cheerios.  Since the Cheerios were all gone she crawled to me.  The nursery workers were even shocked at how well the Cheerios worked.  Hopefully this will make Sunday mornings easier on The Diva and her teachers!

After church we decided to go out for lunch (since HJ was in such a great mood) at The Counter.
Feeding the Diva Cheerios while we waited for our lunch

The Diva will not sit in a high chair, we keep trying but she has only been happy when I was holding her or we let her sit in the middle of the table.  We thought we might try a booster seat and she actually sat in it up until she started getting tired (yea, maybe I will be able to eat with out holding a baby!).

Hannah Joy enjoyed a small lunch of sweet potato frys and veggie burger.
My big girl sitting in a booster seat!

More food please, mommy.

I'm done with the booster mommy!

After naps it was play station time.

The kids seemed to really enjoy the new toy area and played back there together for a long time.

no words for this picture
The Diva was very unhappy that daddy went outside without her so she went to find him.

I think The Diva has finally conquered the tile floor!  

While we were eating dinner Hannah Joy was pushing on me like she wanted down so I put her down on the floor and she spent the rest of dinner crawling around under the table bothering everyone's feet.

One thing about having a kid crawling around on the floor, it makes me very aware of how dirty my floors are!  But that's also good because I clean my floors a lot more too.

After The Diva went to bed the boys got down to some serious video game playing.
Don't they look super serious?

Some Serious Saturday Fun!

I love Saturday mornings!  Usually on Saturday mornings I get up before everyone and go run but since I injured my legs a couple of weeks ago I am taking it easy and letting them completely heal so I slept in.  We were woke to the sweet sounds of birds Eli singing.  And then the lovely crys of the Diva.  After some snuggle time Mario playing on the DS  in bed the kids and Thomas headed out for their Saturday morning Donut breakfast, while I got to stay home and enjoy a cup of coffee. 

After everyone got home after donuts the boys headed out to Home Depot to do some manly stuff while the girls stayed home to do stuff around the house and nap (well, nap for the little one).  The Diva wasn't so happy about being left.  But while the boys were gone Hannah Joy decided to start waving bye bye to everything.  She even says bu bu for bye bye.  Every time we would leave a room she would wave and say bu bu.
This was the best  I could do at capturing the wave.

After a lot of bye bye waving I thought it was time to get The Diva dressed.  She on the other hand thought it was toy playing time so it was more of a wrestling match to get her dressed.

The Diva making a break for it,

 straight for brother's toys.

Finally the boys cccame home from their manly adventures and I got to see what manly thing they made.  
It was a pretty cool moving truck which Eli thought was the perfect thing to keep his new bouncy ball in.

After nap for the Diva, Grocery shopping (by MYSELF!), lunch and some picking up around the house we headed down to League City for my nephew, Aaron's, 1st birthday.  But first we need to swing by Ikea to pick up a new storage unit.  Wow, Ikea on Saturday at 2 pm is insane!  But I think we set a record in Ikea shopping, in and out of Ikea (including loading up) in less then 30 minutes we even got a snack.
The kids chillin on our Ikea purchase.The Diva was smiling and having fun even thought the pictures looks otherwise.  

Our plan for heading to the birthday party was to leave at The Diva's nap time where she would fall asleep on the way to Ikea and while the boys shopped I would drive around with the Diva and let her sleep.  Well, as you can see from the above picture that did not happen.  That little thing did not fall asleep until we were 2 exits away from the exit we were going to which was almost 2 hours past her normal nap time!  So we decided to keep on driving on 45.  At one point we were about exit and turn around to head back and we noticed we had 2 nappers so we kept driving.  We almost drove all the way to Galveston before heading back to League city.

When we finally made it to the birthday party (only about 15 minutes late) we were greeted at the door by very enthusiastic Caleb.  He has been waiting for his cousin Eli to come play.  After The Diva had a chance to warm up to all the people in the house she and Aaron had some play time with a couple of plates.  GG gave the babies each a plate to play with and Aaron couldn't decide which one he liked best so he kept stealing trading plates with HJ.
Luckily HJ didn't care as long as she had a plate to chew play with.

Uncle Jonathan made some yummy burgers and hot dogs for the birthday dinner.  The big boys ate hot dogs  hot dog buns.

The birthday boy and The Diva had yogurt.

Caleb and Eli enjoyed some Aunt Katy time while Aaron opened some presents.
Eli is giving aunt Katy his birthday list.

The Diva found the door stop to play with.

Than Aunt Katy got some Diva time (bribed her with a few cheerios)

Eli went trash diving with a little help from Uncle Derrill

All the cousins got into the present opening.  Aaron didn't seem to mind, much.

True to The Diva's sneaky ways she sought out one of Aaron's presents.
got it!
After another one of Aaron's gifts
How can I get my hands on this???
Aunt Melissa intervening in an almost baby fight
Aaron being sweet and sharing 
This is how The Diva rolls!

Then it was time for cake!

Why are all these people staring at me?
Look frosting!
Here mommy you take it.

While the birthday boy was enjoying fingering his cake
the Diva snagged a ride (The Diva doesn't want her feet to get dirty)

Soon it was time to go home, in true Diva fashion HJ had a wardrobe change.
Arron had to come over to make sure HJ wasn't messing up his wipes

Saying good bye to grandma

Aren't I cute in my jammies?

Waving bye bye to everyone
Gotta love that face.

We had a great time at the party and loved helping Aaron turn the big 1!  The Diva loved the party so much she thought she would continue the partying in her crib and partied for over 2 hours past her bed time.