Thursday, October 20, 2011

She’s Here!

After being 4 days over due Hannah Joy Mullinnix finally decided to make her appearance!  She entered the world in a whirl wind at 2:44 am, weighing 7 ponds 2 ounces and 19 & 3/4 inches.  What a crazy labor and delivery.

I woke up to a contraction around 1:10 am in the morning.  Still not sure I was in labor because they didn’t hurt too bad and were sporadic so I told Thomas to go back to sleep.  Luckily Thomas decided to get up and get ready.  The contractions started to get a little more intense by 1:20 so I called my parents to come get Eli.  I then started getting stuff ready and into the van just stuff to keep my mind off of the contractions.  Then all of a sudden I got sick, I yelled to Thomas to get Eli and get him in the van we had to go now. 

Poor Eli had to go to the hospital with us.  Eli even had to go to the Triage room with us.  When they checked me in the triage room I was at 6 + so they wheeled me to a room.  As soon as we got to the room my dad called to say he was at the hospital.  So Thomas quickly took Eli out to Pop Pop so he could take him home and run back to me.

While Thomas was taking care of Eli the nurses were trying to get me ready for delivery and checked into the hospital all at once.  During the check in process I tell the nurse that I was pushing and then my water broke.  Since there was maconiom in the fluid they had to call the NICU team in.  Of course they told me not to push because the doctor was not there but for anyone that has gone natural knows you can’t make your body stop pushing.  I even had a nurse trying to hold the head in!  After a couple of minutes of them telling me not to push Hannah Joy’s heart rate dropped into the 80’s and they decided to let me deliver.  I am not sure how many pushes later (it was quick), Hannah Joy was born.  Delivered by one of the 7 to 9 nurses that where in the room. 

Just like her brother she decided not to breath.  After a few minutes of the NICU team working on her we heard the sweet cry of our baby girl.  I don’t know why my children like to scare us so much when they are born!  About 5 minutes after she was delivered the doctor finally showed up.  I also finished checking into the hospital and signing the release forms. 

It was a very exciting delivery but we got our sweet baby girl out of it!

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This was the time that I got into the hospital room.  She was born 19 minutes later.

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The NICU team working on her.

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After she was finally breathing and no longer being worked on by the nurses.

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I finally got to hold my baby girl!

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All Cleaned up

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Her first swaddle

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Pop Pop came over to the hospital on his way home from our house.  Hannah Joy’s 1st visitor.

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Hannah Joy’s hearing test, that she passes with flying colors

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Thomas and his baby girl

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