Monday, August 30, 2010


Every night before we put Eli to bed we say a prayer. Usually we pray for someone we saw that day. For the past couple of days I have been asking Eli who he wanted to pray for. One night he said Nanny another he said rain. Well last night when I asked him who he wanted to pray for he said Bob. I asked, "Bob the tomato?" and Eli said, "yes". I asked "don't you want to pray for Abram since you saw him today?" Eli said, "no, Bob". I'm thinking how in the world are we going to pray for Bob the tomato. I said a quick prayer, "God please give me the words to say to pray for Bob". So we prayed for Bob, we prayed that God would continue to work through Bob in teaching children about God and Jesus. So just in case you are wondering you can pray for a tomato!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Too smart!

Eli has been in a toddler bed for a few weeks now and I think it has gone pretty well. I think Eli is loving his new freedom and I'm loving not having to bend so far over to put my sleeping boy in bed. I also love that I can kiss my baby goodnight after I put him in bed.

For a few days now Eli has taken to waking up at 5 am. When he wakes up he wants to play in the play room and "cook" on his little play kitchen. He actually trys not to wake us up. This morning I noticed when Thomas' alarm went off that it was brighter in the house then normal. We leave Eli's bathroom light on at night so if we need to get to his room fast we have some sort of light on. But we keep the door pulled too (not closed all the way) so it's still pretty dark in the house. I figured out that Eli had opened the door to the bathroom so that he could have light in the game room to play! He was even trying to play very quietly as to not wake us up. Well, 5 am is way too early for that little boy to be up so I made him go back to bed. I don't know if he ever fell back asleep but at 10 till 7 I heard "mommy" called across the game room. So I told him to come get in bed with me but as soon as he did he wanted to eat!

Eli amazes me with the things he figures out all by himself!

Random Stuff

Daddy's home! Lets play in a box!

He wanted to help daddy unpack

I put a towel in front of the door to keep the snakes and other critters out of my house and patches has decided this is her new spot.

Eli off roading at Jack's 2nd birthday party

Exploring daddy's box is Eli new past time.

Pirate Eli makes his 1st appearance

Try on mommy's running shoes, I guess he's going out for a jog.

Eli decided he need a knee brace on both knees

Sloppy Joes, tater tots and milk, what a life!

He actually called me!

Eli chillin' and look all cool with my cell

Munching on daddy's dinner

My sweet boys

What can make for a better summer day then playing with the water hose and having a Popsicle

Of course adding bubbles makes it even better!

and then add a friend and you have an awesome summer evening

Yes, that's right the alligator is eating his tush!

Watching TV with "bo" on mommy and daddy's bed. He takes over daddy's side of the bed!

Just too sweet!

Mom stop taking pictures of me in the tub!

Such a good shoot, he even got the camera!

Naked pirate baby!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Birthday!

Yesterday was my 31st birthday but I decided that I am going to age backwards for a while so I turned 29 yesterday. What a wonderful day yesterday.

I started my day at the gym, I figured that I was going out to eat for all 3 meals I need to at least get some running in. I managed to get run 3 miles in the short time I had to do it in. That is after my dear sweet son decided it would be a good idea to drop my locker lock down a hole where I could not retrieve it. I'm so glad I didn't let him play with my keys like he wanted to!

I had such little time at the gym because my sweet friends were taking me and E out for a birthday breakfast. It was so much fun! Eli was really well behaved too! The kids have so much fun together and I enjoyed the company and conversation. It was really nice because for most of the time while we were there we were the only ones in the restaurant so we let the kid be loud.

After breakfast Eli and I headed over to my parents house. Eli was going to spend the night with them so Thomas and I could go out for a birthday dinner. When we got there my mom had 2 cakes in the oven, one for us to have after lunch and another for me to take home. My mom spoils me! We went across the street for a birthday lunch and even my dad came along. Eli just loved that Pop Pop came along too. After lunch mom put Eli down for his nap and we talked a little before I headed back home. I think Eli decided to give me a birthday present of just being so well behaved. He acted so great at both restaurants and went down for his nap pretty easily!

That evening Thomas took me out for my Birthday dinner at Saltgrass. It was a wonderful dinner and we even took a warm walk on the waterway after we picked up some caramel from Hubble and Hudson. It was a wonderful way to turn 31 err I mean 29!

On Thursday morning I had a meeting to go to so Mom and I met for lunch to exchange Eli. Of course when Nanny was leaving Eli threw a fit he didn't want Nanny to go. While we were saying our good byes mom said the sweetest thing to me. I said to mom, "it's your last day of summer vacation and you got to spend some of it with one of your grandchildren, that's gotta be kind of nice." And she said back to me, "I know this was a birthday present for you but I feel like I got a present!"

Flowers from my sweet husband for my Birthday!

Nanny and Eli after my birthday lunch.

This is outside of the restaurant where we went for my birthday lunch

Eli playing in the water. I was sure he was going to fall in head first but he never did.

Drinking milk with 2 straws! Pawpop put 2 straws in the milk cup and Eli thought that was pretty neat.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Tuesday without daddy

Eli slept in till 7:45 this morning, I'm shocked! And I slept in till 7. I guess we were still very tired even with the long nap yesterday. When Eli finally did wake up I went upstairs to get him and found him talking away on his play telephone. You would think with the way Eli acts that I'm always on the phone!

Breakfast with Eli is always fun. Some interesting things about our breakfast is that Eli has to announce to the world that he is drinking milk. Before he drinks it he has to yell MILK, MILK. And in case you were wondering oatmeal is a finger food. But after Eli uses his had to eat the oatmeal he wants it cleaned off.

Eli finishing breakfast, getting a last drink of milk.

After breakfast we made it to the gym, the first time since lat Wednesday. When I picked up ELi from Kids club Eli was at the top of the equipment playing with some older girls. Eli is such a flirt! I could have worked out for the whole 2 hours that you can keep your kids in kids club and Eli wouldn't have cared. He didn't want to go when I picked him up. An hour after we left the gym I discovered that we left the diaper bag at the gym so we had to go back and get it. Eli threw a fit because he didn't get to go into the Kids Club and play. What a change from when he would cry when I dropped him off and wanted someone to hold him the whole time.

After the gym we headed over to Toys R Us. I wanted to get Eli some pots and pans for his new kitchen play set. I also started him a wish list for his 2nd Birthday. Eli had a blast playing for all the toys but had a minor melt down when I took him away from all the power wheels. He got a quick spanking and started acting right after that. We were in Toys R Us for over an hour! I really didn't plan on being out that long today. Since it was already after 11 and we still had another stop to do we headed over to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Eli acted great durning lunch, I guess that little swat in the toy store really worked!

Eli found the "Power Wheels" section of the store.

Just had to get a picture of Eli in a pink Barbie car!

My kid know the good stuff! This car had cup holders and huge speakers!

Hula Hoop any one?

When we got home I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me, at the neighbors house. My sweet husband had sent me flowers but since I wasn't home when they came the delivery person left them with my neighbor. So after I got Eli down for his nap I went across the street to get them. I have such a sweet husband.

Eli enjoying a snack of gold fish and crackers after nap. He wanted to eat on the counter which was fine with me since the crakers make so many crumbs.

This evening was Home Group and Eli and I were hosting tonight. To say Eli was excited about having everyone over is an understatement! I wish I had a video of Eli and all the crazy things he would do. While everyone was starting to show up Eli just started running around the house making noise. He had to have run around the circle for about 15 minutes. Eli was all over the place he had so much fun with all the other kids. It was so fun having everyone over. The kids were into everything inside and outside the house, it was awesome! I look forward to hosting Home Group again but this time hopefully Thomas will be here for it!

How many kids can you fit in a small turtle sand box?

Having a break for water after playing really hard!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Another Monday without Daddy

Breakfast at Nanny and Papa's house.

Today Eli and I woke up at Nanny and Papa's house. Eli played around their house most of the morning until it was time to leave and met our friends at the pool in The Woodlands. The pool we went to is in the back of The Woodlands which is close to Kid to Kid. I have been wanting to go to Kid to Kid for a little while now since I was told that they had several kitchen play sets. So before going to the pool we stopped by Kid to Kid. Poor Eli fell asleep on the way there ( I was told Papa woke him up way to early this morning) but as soon as we walked in the store and he saw all the toys he was up and ready to play. So I found a play set that the price wasn't to bad but I was not sure if it would fit in my car. I am so proud of myself, I got that thing in my car! I just had to rearrange everything, but that's why I'm a tetras champ!

We got to the pool and it was packed! We found our friends but of course our kids wanted to do different things so we didn't get to spend to much time together. After our friends left we ran into more friends from church. But of course after they got there we had to leave since it was close to Eli's nap time and he was already so tired. Eli and I headed for home, I don't know what was up today but traffic on The Woodlands Parkway was really thick, I guess everyone was out and about getting ready for school.

At the pool, gotta love those blue eyes!

Enjoying a cracker during a safety break.

Shortly after we got home I put Eli down for a nap and then I put stuff away from our trip and put our pool stuff away. I then messed around on the computer a bit and decided to take a nap too. I guess I finally laid down to take a nap around 2 and when I woke up it was 5! After I woke up I went up stairs to check on Eli who has been in bed since 1. He was still passes out in bed but he hadn't been in bed since 1! His crib animals where all over the room, he pulled down a basket from his shelves and he had his gymbo in his bouncy chair. So I have no clue how long he napped for but I sure needed that nap.

I decided to go ahead and wake the little guy up since it was after 5 already. Of course as soon as I woke him up he said, "eat". So we went downstairs where I made Pink pancakes. These are pancakes made with beets and apples. I don't think these were Eli's favorite but he ate them. There is also ricotta cheese in the pancakes so along with a veggie, a fruit there is protein. A full meal in a nice little pink pancake. After dinner Eli just played around the house while I cleaned (I had to make up the cleaning I missed while I was napping)

Even with sleeping until 5 Eli was ready to go to bed at his normal bed time. Eli went down without any fight. One interesting thing I started doing with Eli is counting if I want him to do something that he's not doing. Like I had his bath water ready but Eli wanted to keep playing in the game room. I told him 2 times to get in the bath and he ignored me so I started counting. I don't know what it was about counting but I only got to 2 and he ran into the bathroom. Also while brushing his teeth I wanted him to open his mouth so I could get his back teeth and he told me no when I

I am so proud of myself for updating my blog yesterday. I did it from my Mom's house on her computer. I even was able to do some pictures in the blog using my mom's computer! That is a big feat for me since I am not very technology savvy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Sunday without daddy

This morning when Eli and I went down for breakfast there were no snakes! Eli and I woke up later than expected and didn;t have much time to get ready for church. I was sure that we were not going to make it to the early service this morning but somehow we managed to get out the door and to church in time. Church was awesome as usual and I was very blessed to be there. This mornings sermon was on having faith and acting on that faith.

After church Eli and I headed home for lunch and then nap. After Eli got up from his nap we made our way to Nanny and Papa's house to stay the night. On our way we stopped at Mcdonalds for ice cream. Eli is getting much better at eating ice cream cones. He likes to bite them from the bottom but this time we worked on eating them correctly and he made it through the whole cone without a big mess.

Nanny had gone earlier to pick up Granny and bring her back to the house. We got to the house before Nanny and Granny did so we were there to greet them at the door. Granny even fried up some okrea for Eli to have with his dinner. I can't believe that boy likes okrea, I can't stand the stuff. Eli would even peel off the breading and eat just the okrea. After dinner we just played around the house until bed time. Papa read Eli two books and then got me to read another book and coned Nanny into getting him another book. While they were picking out a book Papa turned on the TV and invited Eli to watch Go Deigo Go with him so of course Eli took him up on the offer. So needless to say Eli was up late tonight. I think it's best if mommy just drops Eli off at Nanny and Papa's house so mommy doesn't know what happens. Oh well, he sure does enjoy his grandparents. He didn't even want me to put him to bed, he wanted Nanny to rock him to sleep. Poor mommy!