Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top of the morning Y’all

A Texas St. Patrick’s day greeting! (stolen from my friend Meg.)


This love St. Patty’s day we headed out the Houston Live stock show and rodeo (except we didn’t go to the rodeo) 

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We all got our green on before heading out.



E got to dress up like an astronaut

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We rode rides


Baby doll and I watched the boys ride rides.


We saw the Zen llama at the petting zoo (there were also some over aggressive goats there too).


E did the obstacle course 4 times (and only lost his boot once)!

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We wore err.. ate fair food


Then we decided it was time to head home, but 1st we had to wade through a see of people to get out!


In order to get to our car we had to pass by the Texan’s practice bubble so in true Thomas fashion he had to take a picture of the field that was stacked up outside the bubble.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


For the 1st time ever baby doll fell asleep in the stroller during my morning run this morning!  Normally she screams the whole time in the stroller, that’s why I don’t like to run with the kids (that and running with a stroller is hard!)  Normally I get up before the sun and any other sane person to run with the bats in the neighborhood.  Since Thomas decided to run off to Mexico on vacation (actually for work but any place you can get a full night of sleep seems like  vacation to me!) If I m going to get a run in it will have to be during the day (oh no people will actually see me run in the daylight!) with on or both of the kids. Baby doll and I ran (well, I ran she snored) the water way this morning.  It was a great run, nice and cool and no screaming child!


Ain’t she cute! I’m so proud of the outfit, I got it at Gymboree for less than $10!  I bet no one knew it was possible to get an outfit at Gymboree for less than $10 (a total of $9.25)

005 When we got home from picking E up from school, E decided to read baby doll a story (doesn't she look captivated by E’s story telling).  The book is Louis Pasture.  E knows more about Lois Pasture than most adults, just love my little scholar!


My sweet little piggy after bath.


See ya’ll on the back (flip) side! (my kids are going to kill me with these nudity pictures!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cousin Time!

*Caution* there is nudity in this post!


Today Aunt Melissa came to visit with Caleb and Aaron, we had a blast.


First we made Eli’s favorite candy, Cookie Dough Truffles.  I had 2 sous chefs today!  Aaron wanted in on the action too.


The 2 youngest cousins.  Aaron loved baby dolls socks and bow.


The boys also played outside together which led to the 1st…


cousin bath!


Eli eating our creation!


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Monday, March 12, 2012

Mosquito Bait

Eli took baby doll and I on an impromptu walk/scooter ride tonight.  I think the mosquitoes thought I was a walking dinner plate.  Since it was impromptu I didn’t have my phone on me so all I have is an after picture. 



My two sweaty kids after our fun blood letting err…walk/scooter ride.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fresh from the Laundry!


We like clean children so we make sure to run them through the wash and then fluff them in the dryer…


Yes, that’s right I have big blue eyes!

our little burrito!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Luck of the Irish!

I know it's not St. Patrick's day yet but Eli and I already celebrated (sort of). Eli participated in his 1st race. He asked me if he could run a race so I googled and came up with Green Clover 5K & 1K Fun Run, Benefiting,The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a charity funding the most promising research to cure cancer in children. It was held at Goose's Acre on The waterway in the woodlands.

I am so proud of Eli, he ran the whole 1k! He was the youngest participate by about 1.5 years. He

had so much fun running it he didn't even notice he came in dead last. All the kids that finished the 1k got a finisher dog tag and Eli was over the moon about his! After he finished his race he told me he wants to do another one. Eli makes me so proud, maybe I have finally found my running buddy!

Eli Enjoying his post race grub and smoothie.  He ran his race in his froggy rain coat even though the rain stopped just enough for the kids to run but came back for the 5k.

Eli’s finisher bling!


We didn’t get any pictures of the race because our photographer (aka Thomas) was driving around trying to get baby doll (Hannah Joy)to sleep.

On another note I also ran with Eli and then ran the 5k where I smashed my 5k PR.  Very proud of that fact, I was very tired and wet after run.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

sitting up

Baby Doll sat up for almost a minute today.  The fell over when she tried to eat her foot. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sticker Time

E has finally discovered stickers.  He also discovered that it was fun to sticker himself and daddy.  Baby doll thought it would be fun to eat said stickers.


Friday, March 2, 2012



E is trying to teach baby doll how to play uno, (but 1st someone needs to teach E how to play!)