Thursday, March 10, 2011


It has been a long time since I last updated my blog!  One of the reasons is that I got very sick the day after Valentine’s day.  We assume it was the flu since I had all the flu symptoms, you know, the feel like you are dying symptoms.  Well, after a week of being down with the flu my boys went to the zoo for a day and left me at home for one more day of recovery to make sure I was well, by that night I was throwing up everything.  We guessed I somehow picked up the stomach bug that was going around and then again we had another theory on why I was sick but in order to explain that I have to tell you about a phone call I received the Wednesday before Valentine’s Day.

That Wednesday was one of the really cold icy days that we had here so Thomas came home early from work that day.  As we were sitting together watching TV (during Eli’s nap) the Dr.’s office called and asked me an interesting question, “could you be pregnant?”.  What’s strange about this question is that I had had a D&C back in December due to A molar pregnancy and had to go have my blood drawn weekly to make sure my HCG levels went back to 0.  My last blood draw before this one came back at a 7 (you can’t get pregnant if you still have HCG in your system).  But when the nurse called me my levels had jumped from a 7 to 500!  We guess they dropped to 0 and pretty much the next day I got pregnant.  This is the first time I have ever been surprised by a pregnancy (and this is my 5th pregnancy!).

So now we are not sure if I had a stomach bug or just really bad morning sickness.  All I know was it was so bad I couldn’t function and dropped over 10 pounds.  Luckily after a week it lessened.  I am still having a hard time with the morning sickness but at least I can now function and take care of Eli.  Even though Thomas has been doing such a great job taking care of me and Eli!  I thank God for such a sweet, loving and caring husband!

Since I don’t have a good history with pregnancy we decided to keep it quiet until the 1st ultrasound, which was today!  As you can see we have a cute little gummy bear!  We also got to see and hear the heart beat it was beating at 159.  We are so excited, praise the lord, it has been a hard year for us but God is good.


We told Eli about the baby and asked if he want a sister or a brother and he said sister.  We will see what God blesses us with.  Baby Mullinnix #2 is due October 16th 2011!