Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fab Friday

A couple of weeks ago we went over to some friends house and they had an easel for their girls. Eli just loved it. He was so excited to write on the chalk board and would come get us to show it to us. So of course we had to go out and get an easel for Eli. When you go out and buy a toy for your kid that they seemed to have loved at someone elses house, it never fails that they will never play with it at home. That is not the case with this easel, Eli loves it. He has to color on it everyday. Today he had to color on it before going to MOPS, then after lunch and again after nap. During Eli's nap today I got to go run an errand to Walmart and while I was there I found dry erase crayons. Up until this point Eli could only color on the chalk board side because I am just not ready to deal with markers yet for the dry erase side. But these crayons are awesome! Eli was so excited when he saw the colors and what they were for!

Eli is so talented he can color with more then one color at a time!

Eli also learned that if he stands on mommy's legs he can reach more of the board.

Eli took a small break from coloring to have a cookie and some milk. But that didn't last long because he figured out if he sits on the edge of his bench he can eat his cookie and color on the easel at the same time! He's such a smart cookie!

We decided that we would go out for pizza tonight for dinner and we decided on Gramaldi's pizza. We decided to go there because after dinner Eli could go play in the fountains. The host took are stroller so he could "park" it for us so it was out of the way and Eli was not happy that he took his stroller so I let him sit in my lap for a little bit. Eli decided it was a good time to go through mommy's purse.

Eli loves Gramaldi's pizza!

Eli is trying to catch the water in his watering can

Gotta love the tongue!

A nice big drink of water!

Eli spotted a duck

and decided to chase her

Still chasing her

luckily he stopped before chasing her off the wall!

found more ducks

What a sweet boy

My 2 sweet boys!

No mama No!

Last night I was meeting some ladies for a mom's night out at Out Back Steak house. I had to leave before Eli was in bed. We were upstairs playing when the time came for me to leave. So I said to Eli, "mama's going bye bye". He turned to me and came running going, "No mama, no mama no". But before he would actually get to me he would get distracted by a toy and veer off to the toy instead of coming to me to say bye. So I said it again, "Eli mama's going bye bye". And again Eli came running saying, "no mama no mama no" and again he got distracted by a toy and veered off before getting to me (I wasn't that far away either =-) We did this 4 times before I gave up and said I'm going down stairs! It was so cute I wish someone was taping it as it happened.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blackberry Picking

Today Eli and I met up with our friends Beki and Reagan to go blackberry picking. I didn't even know there was a pick-your-own fruit farm so close to us. This farm is a whole 7 miles from our house.

After strawberry picking with Aunt Katy, Aunt Melissa and Caleb I just knew Eli would love it. I was a little worried since blackberry bushes have thorns and strawberries do not. I couldn't believe how well Eli did with picking the berries! He didn't hurt himself at all, I think I'm the only one that stabbed herself with a thorn. Eli did very well at picking just the black ones after we had a quick lesson on which colors not to pick.

Eli decided that one bucket was not enough to pick the fruit with so he had 3 buckets! Eli also had to carry his own bucket. At times he wanted to carry mine and his. Don't tell Eli he's too little because he will prove you wrong!

Eli and Reagan are becoming professional berry pickers! One row was in the shade, Beki and I tried to keep the boys in the shade but of course they would go to the side that wasn't shaded!

Eli could not wait to try the berries!

Eli tasting his 1st blackberry!

Look at those full buckets!

Reagan was an awesome picker

Those little checks are stuffed with berries

Carrying the bucket to go get weighed

Eli thought we needed to take home a watermelon

Reagan smeared with blackberry juice!

It was very hot even at 10am in the morning. But we had a good time and the boys had a blast. But even with only picking for 30 or so minutes we still came away with a lot of berries. I ended up snacking on them on our short ride home and boy were they yummy!

After Eli and I got home from the farm Eli had a great lunch and then we decided to make cobbler.

Mommy's little helper, He really enjoyed pouring the ingredients into the bowl.

Eli loved "stirring" the batter. He would hardly let mommy stir it.

Eli took a break (sort of) from licking the bowl to put the berries in the cobbler

Eli taking a break from all the morning activities.

After Eli's nap and dinner Eli got to taste the fruits of our labor! He seemed to like the cobbler. I think that it is so awesome that Eli and I got to pick blackberries, then make cobbler together and then we got to eat it! I'm so blessed to have Eli in my life, he is such a wonderful little guy and I love experiencing things for the first time again through Eli's eyes.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gardening with Eli

Today after Eli had dinner I decided to take Eli out front to play while we waited for Thomas to get home from work. I have been wanting to work on my flower beds for a while now and Thomas and I bought some mulch and flowers this weekend so I needed to get on it.

Eli played with his cars at first but then decided that what mommy was doing was much more interesting. Eli helped me pull weeds, get ride of the old mulch, till the soil, spread the fresh mulch and then help clean up the weeds and old mulch. It was so cute to watch him try a mimic everything I would do. He would just have his own Eli twist to it. I sure do wish I had someone there to take a picture of Eli and I working side by side on the flower bed.

After the flowers were planted and everything cleaned up it was time to water the new plants. Eli just loved this. Of course I would spray Eli down with the hose and he would go running all over the drive way. Soon Eli got a hold of the hose and tried to pray mommy down. Eli is also getting the hang of drinking out of the hose. It's so cute to watch and see his little tong going in and out trying to lap up the water. I don't think a camera could capture the cuteness that was happening tonight.

I just love my little boy so much. Every day my love for him grows deeper and deeper. I can't believe that God allows Thomas and I to raise such an amazing child. What amazes me more is the amount of love I have for Eli and the fact that God loves me even more then that. I look forward to what else God has in store for the Mullinnix family

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Caleb's Dedecation

Today was another busy Sunday for the Mullinnix family (I think this is becoming a theme of our little family). We had Church first thing in the morning and then after church instead of Sunday school Thomas and I had our first extended session. Extended session is just another term for nursery duty. Thomas and I got to hang out with the 2 to 3 year olds. We new several of the kids in the class and we had a good time playing with the kiddos.

After Church and lunch we headed down to League City for our Nephew's dedication. Melissa and Jonathan go to a large church so they decided that since there were several babies in their small group that they would do a baby dedication with just their small group, family and friends at their home. A baby dedication is when Christian parents promise to the Lord and others that they will raise their child in the ways of the Lord. To Eli the dedication meant lots of other kids to play with and family member to get attention from!

Uncle Derrill has Eli and I have Caleb.

Eli and his great uncle Derrill

Of course Eli would be in the middle of everything.

Still in the center.

Parents and the children getting ready to be dedicated

In the mist of the service

Eli and daddy hanging out during the dedication

Thomas trying to entertain Eli and keep him in the shade.

Jonathan, Melissa and Caleb

Walking on daddy's feet

Eli's still working on it.

Close up of the Lutz family

Nosey little Eli

He's getting a good look at the neighbors yard. I think they have a playscape.

Eli coming back to mommy

The proud parents of now dedicated babies.

Eli trying to steal Caleb's big blue bear from a little girl, Payton

He's really trying hard.

He was lured away from the bear with the giraffe bean bag

Which he enjoyed dragging around the house.

Still dragging

still going.

This little boy wanted to play with Eli on the giraffe but Eli didn't care for that.

He's taking the giraffe and leaving the little boy.

Still dragging

Uncle Derril decided to tease Eli with the giraffe

Eli did a good job getting the giraffe back

Eli loves his cousin

Eli sure didn't mind sharing the giraffe with Caleb!

Sweet Cousins!

I always love the looks he gives me. I think he thinks I'm his crazy aunt Kristen!

Caleb liked climbing on his giraffe

Eli finally got some time with the big blue bear!

This was interesting. These 2 boys started wrestling and Eli noticed so he decided to jump right on top of the dog pile!

Eli loved the wrestling with the boys.

I'm not sure if the boys relized that Eli was trying to wrestle with them. It sure was cute though.

More Caleb

Sweet cousins

After we left League city we headed straight for Thomas' football games. When we got there I took Eli into the sports building and let him play around on the arcade games. There was a motorcycle game there and he loved it! We would sit on the motorcycle and I would just sway back and forth and Eli would push buttons. I love the fact that Eli gets such a kick out of games and I don't even have to put money in them. I wonder how long that will last! By the time we all got home we were all ready to pass out. It was a crazy busy day but we wouldn't change it for anything!