Today was a very busy Tuesday (like normal)! When I woke Eli up at 7 this morning he wanted to wear his hat. He wore it all morning even while eating breakfast!
We made it to the gym, where Eli now just walks on in like he owns the place! Then on to Bible study where again he thinks he's the man! Last we came home for lunch and nap time. As I was giving Eli a banana I was trying to teach him how to say banana and it was sounding like he was getting it too. When I tried to break it down for him, ba-na-na all he could get was ba. After lunch he played in the kitchen while I cleaned for a bit. He decided to pretend to fill the pitcher he got out of the cabinet with water out of the refrigerator. And when he was done he put it away and slammed the cabinet door (just like I did a few seconds before). When Eli woke up from his nap he was running a fever so we didn't go to Gymboree open Gym today. Eli has to be one of the best sicky babies ever. You would never know he's sick. If he didn't feel so warm I would have never known he was sick. I pray that he gets over what ever is bothering him qucikly!
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