Monday, October 21, 2013

We have a 2 year old!

 I still can't believe that it has been 2 years ago that I was woken up in the middle of the night and then had to rush to the hospital because someone all of a sudden decided to get impatient to be born (she was 4 days late).  I ask my parents if they would like me to call and wake them up at 1:30 in the morning so they could relive the excitement, they decided to pass.

I ended up having to wake up or 2 year old up so that we could make it to church on time.  I don't think she was happy that I woke her.

We decided to not do much celebrating today since daddy couldn't be there and we would wait until next week to actually celebrate her birthday.  Plus she had already had her birthday party the week before.

She cheered up when I showed her a birthday message from her daddy.

Then her brother sang happy birthday to her and gave her a kiss and hug,  Such a sweet big brother!

After church (which we made it to on time!) we came home for lunch and naps.   
So, true to my kids nature, since we had something to do after nap time they both took long naps that I had to wake them up from!  Our church picnic was after nap time and we had to get going so they wouldn't miss the fun.  Wasn't it nice of FBCTW to throw a picnic for my daughter's birthday!?  Before the picnic I quickly made a poodle skirt and coordinating "2" onsie for my 2 year old Diva.  The picnic was fifties theme.  My parents came along to enjoy the festivities.
She hadn't woken up yet.
We decided to check everything out when we got there.  There was suppose to be hot air balloon rides for "42 inches and taller.  So we went and signed up for that and E was so excited he was tall enough, but sadly the rides did not happen.  Eli was disappointed but not as bad as I thought he would be.  Eli rode the farris wheel before his friends showed up.

What else can make a 2 year old diva happen other than cotton candy!

I did get to play a couple of rounds of the cake walk with E before he disappeared with his friends!
And then his friends showed up and I didn't see much of him after that.  Didn't know that happened at the ripe old age of 5!

After the sugar kicked in from the cotton candy we hit up the bounce house.!
Then she found the coke float booth.  What goes with cotton candy, how about caffeine and more sugar!

What does every birthday Diva need?  A cup cake of course!
Then she stole Nanny's chips and we went out in the field to dance.

This is the best picture of the outfit I made for her.  Totally forgot to snap a picture before putting it on her!
Then some hola hopping happened!  She tried so hard to get that thing to work.

I finally found the boy by the end of the picnic.  And of course more coke floats happened.  The diva did manage to eat a couple of bites of hot dog.  Not sure what E ate but I did fix him a hot dog with chips and a slice of cheese.

Because what she needs is more caffeine and sugar.
After we got home from the picnic I took the kids to the park to burn off some of that sugar.  We had a great time swinging, playing hid and go seek, sliding and bouncing before heading back home to play a couple of rounds of guess who.

When I put the kids to bed I think they crashed because I didn't hear much coming from either room after putting them to bed.

I think my Diva had a good birthday even if we didn't do much celebrating.  And thank you FBCTW for throwing my little 2 year an awesome birthday picnic =-)

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