Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Part 1 The Race

I should have taken the hint with the morning events that I should have not run the 10 for Texas!  It was a very horrible race.  I started the morning off with about 3 hours of sleep.  That is nothing unusual, though, Most race I do I don't sleep much the night before.  I got up in plenty of time to have a cup of coffee, breakfast and visit the bathroom (a very important step before a race).  Of course my Garmin was not charged either even though I checked it the night before!  Then I made my way to the mall where I was going to park for the race, easy traffic getting in and out of the mall area and not a far walk from the starting line.  I was just about to get out of the car when I went to grab my race bib and then had that horrible realization that I forgot it at home!  I made record time getting back to the house, 8 minutes!  Thank goodness there were not any cops on my route home and all green lights.  Then another 10 minutes back to the mall.  Luckily I have a tendency to get to races was early and even with that snafu I was still early.  I was able to stop by La Madeline's  for a visit to their facilities.  Then when I got to the meeting spot for Karna runners I realized I for got my visor and I was not walking all the way back to the car.  We chit chatted a little bit then took our group picture and headed off to the packed starting line.

Here is a very important before picture of myself.

The race started right on time which always awesome.  Right from the beginning I knew it was going to be a bad race, humidity at the start was 97% and already in the 80's.  At mile marker 1 I was already wishing it was over with and I have never thought that of any other race I have ever run.  By mile 3 I was nauseous and it would come and go through out the entire race.  I was also extremely thirsty the whole time but ever time I would drink I thought I was going to throw up.   This is also the 1st time I actually wish I had some type of fuel on me.  I guess I am going to have to work on how to fuel runs now.

At mile 8 I was seriously thinking about walking but just told myself to get to mile 9 and then reevaluate.  I did end up walking through the last water station.  Needing some fuel so bad I did attempt to drink some Gatorade.  That did not help at all, it actually made my stomach worse, it was way to sweet for me.  The last half mile of the race I started debating with myself about walking.  Even if I walked the last half mile of the race I would still beat last years time by a lot but then I would be embarrassed walking across the finish line so I kept going. 

Finally I got to the finish, I had nothing left in me to sprint to the finish.  I also had to stop after the finish line and dry heave over a drainage grate.  I think if there was anything in my stomach I would have been throwing up!  Finally I felt like my stomach had settled enough to move on.  I got my finisher medal and headed to the food tent.  I don't know how other runners do it but I can't eat anything for at least an hour after a race but I grabbed food any ways since I knew I was going to be hungry eventually.  I also grabbed a water and a chocolate milk.

As soon ans I left the food tent I saw LuLu Lemon had set up a foam rolling station.  Just what I needed.  So I sat down and foam rolled for about 15 minutes.  I also was able to snap an after picture.
Don't know why my eye is swollen, probably had sweat in it.  After some good foam rolling and stretching I choked down half of my chocolate milk since I knew I need something and headed for the van.

One of the highlights of the race were the spectators.  They were awesome and all over the course.  I also ended up with my own cheering group.  The Eickenhosts cheered me on at different spots.  And at the end when I thought I wasn't going to make it Kristin Walkup was there cheering me on.  So even though I couldn't have my family there it was awesome having friends there to cheer me on!

The important stuff, the stats!  Chip time was 1:32:51, not to bad considering the weather and the fact that I was PMSing too.  That made my pace 9:17 per mile, I was going for a flat 9 minute mile though.  I finished 36/196 in my division, 190/1286 of females and 515/2170 over all.  There is still much room for improvements!

My splits per Map My Run




DistancePaceElapsed Time
1 mi08:25 min/mi8:24
2 mi08:27 min/mi8:26
3 mi08:51 min/mi8:49
4 mi08:58 min/mi8:57
5 mi09:03 min/mi9:03
6 mi09:40 min/mi9:04
7 mi09:22 min/mi9:17
8 mi09:25 min/mi9:22
9 mi09:28 min/mi9:27
10 mi09:52 min/mi9:49
10.3 mi09:59 min/mi2:29
 I check out my race photos and they were horrible so I don't think I will be buy any of those! 

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