Friday, October 18, 2013

Decorating and Pumpkins!

Fridays are my favorite day of the week.  No school and no obligations we can just take the day easy.  Our morning started out with breakfast, video chatting with daddy and art.  The kids are getting a lot of use out of their art table!

Then it was off to the gym.  Fridays are a weight day for me at the gym so I warmed up with 30 minutes on the elliptical and then hit the weight floor.  In an attempt to lower my body fat I took the trainers advice and started lifting even heavier.  I surprised myself with some of the weight I lifted.  I was really surprised how much or how little weight I used on the assisted pull up machine.  I am now pulling up more of my body weight than being assisted!  I am getting a lot closer to doing an unassisted pull up!

Can you guess where we went next.....
The Diva is actually the only one who got anything at Starbucks.  Eli was in a bad mood so he said he didn't want anything.  The barista, in order to try an cheer him up, gave him a hot chocolate which did in fact change his mood (he was mad at me for not going somewhere "fun").  Next we made a quick stop at Hobby Lobby to get some Halloween decorations, then we headed for home.

More art work happened when we got home while they waited for me to get the decorations ready to go.

Next we head out to do a little decorating.  So glad it doesn't take much to make the boy happy!


Finally it was nap time!  The diva napped for over 2 hours, that has to be a record!!! While the kids napped I finished up making a meal to take to a family that just had a baby boy.  I also promised the kids that after we dropped off the meal we would go to the pumpkin patch.  Luckily it only rained for a little while and had been over for awhile by the time we headed out.

The pumpkin patch was a blast with the kids, like it is every year!  We go to the Methodist Church that is down the street.  We go every year and they just love it.  I took well over a hundred pictures.  It was perfectly cool and perfectly over cast so the pictures were awesome.  Both of the kids were in very goof moods.

She thought her brother was hilarious 
Picking the perfect pumpkin is very difficult work.

My kids are so very goofy and they love to be goofy together.



Eli just wanted to run every where and the diva would chase after him calling brother, brother.


This was the best I could get of the two of them.

 Then more running....

We also had to go check out the rotten pile of pumpkins in the back.

Then more running


I finally talked the kids into leaving the pumpkin patch and we went home for  "make your own pizza" night.  A favorite dinner in our house.

We ended our day with pizza and Ninja Turtles I think that paired well together!

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