Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Groceries ans Bitty Baby

Tuesday started off with a video chat with Daddy over breakfast.  The kids love chatting with daddy over the computer.   then we needed to get ready for school and daddy need to get work done so the call was over way too quickly.  Tuesday is a school day for Eli so after breakfast we got dressed and off to school.  In an attempt to take pictures for the blog I took pictures of the kids while we waited in the car rider line.
Praise break!
Looking so old and handsome!
Normally Tuesday is a Bible Study day but since we played yesterday instead of doing our normal errands that's what the Diva and I did today.  But 1st up was the gym where I ran for the 1st time since Saturday.  I was going to do an easy 4 miles but since my legs felt so good I went to 5 miles.  I did 5 miles in 47 minutes.  
Next up the Diva and I headed to Walmart to get supplies for a project I am working on.  Then next up was the grocery store.  Bitty Baby has to go everywhere with us now.  She had to ride in the shopping cart during grocery shopping at Kroger's.

After grocery shopping I did manage to get The Diva down for a nap before picking E up from school and She was out rather quickly.  While she napped I took down the rest of the party decorations and moved the grill back onto the patio/  I am so glad I lift weights because that grill is extremely heavy!  I actually had to wake the Diva up to go get the boy from school.  When I went up there to wake her she had not moved from where I laid her down.  I gently rubbed her tummy and when her eyes opened I told her it was time to go get brother. She sweetly reached her arms up to me and in the sweetest voice said okay. 

Once we picked the boy up from school we came home and did home work and finished his pumpkin for school.  Then we watched some TMNT and played a little dress up before heading to gymnastics.

I now Have fully entered the world of glitter.  There is glitter all over my house and running shoes due to that dress!  Gymnastics was fun as usual the Diva had fun running around with all the other siblings there.  We finally made it home for the evening and I got the kids in bed after a lovely dinner of peanut butter on toast and strawberries with milk.

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