Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Not another manic Monday..

Normally our Mondays are Jam packed with errands.  Not this Monday, I was running slow so I decided to take the day a little slower too.  I also only got a few hours of sleep that night (one of these days I'll try to get this insomnia thing fixed).  After breakfast and video chatting with daddy a little pumpkin time happened before heading to the gym.
love these sweet sibling moments so nice when they are not fighting!
Eli was so upset that we didn't get to go to the gym on Saturday, (weird since we never go to the gym on Saturdays), so he was super excited when I told him we were going.  I decided that since I didn't get my long run in on Saturday that I would do it now.  So I ran 9  miles in 80 minutes.  Yes, I did it on the treadmill, I would rather run out side but I don't want to push a double stroller for 9 miles and have to deal with the arguing and complaining.  Plus I got to watch Kelly and Micheal and half of the Price is Right!

After the gym we headed over to FBCTW for Story time.  The kids had a good time the like always and both did a great job on the craft after the story.  Then we headed to ACE so I could get a bolt, nut and washer to fix the garage door with.  The kids were little terrors up and down the aisles with ACE's little shopping carts.  I should have snapped a picture but I was too busy trying to pick out my bolt and putting back all the bolts they kept getting out.

Finally we got home (can not believe how late we got home when we didn't do that much!) for lunch and naps.  I think the kids were worn out from our fun weekend because they both took long naps!  After nap time we headed to the park again.  A lot of swinging happened this time.

All we ended up doing at the park was swinging because before we knew it it was time to get home for dinner and baths. Eli is getting so good on his bike, he even fell off and scrapped his knee but got right back on and kept going!

was not happy to stop swinging!

I told the kids that they could watch they're new movie that the Harrell's gave them while they ate dinner.  I don't think the Diva was into Horton Hears a Who Because a little pumpkin playing happened and then she took me upstairs to play!   Eli liked it and watched the whole thing.  Before heading up for baths and bed we went into the garage and I fixed the garage door!!  Yea me!  Amazing what you can do when motivated with something you don't like (I do not like parking outside!).  The kids were proud of their mom and loved playing in the empty garage.  Then bed time happened (YEA!)

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