Monday, October 14, 2013

School Friends and Neighbors

Remembering to take pictures for the blog is difficult especially when you forget your phone at home.  At least I remembered to stick the good camera in the diaper bag since we were going somewhere fun today.

We decided to deviate from our normal Monday craziness and go hang out with some friends from school.  Up first was the gym, of course!  I took it very light, since I was still recovering from the race and the party.  25 minutes on the stair climber, 25 minutes on the elliptical then a good amount of time stretching and foam rolling.  Of course I had to do some intervals on the stair climber.

After the gym it was a quick stop at weight watchers so I could weigh in.  I stayed the same but both kids gained weight!  The boy was up to 34.6 pounds and the Diva 20.6!  Then we high tailed it to Wonder Wild to play with some friend.  We met up with Jacob who is from Eli's class, Chase who goes to the same school but in a different class but we already knew from church choir and Dalton who E use to play with at gymboryee when they were very little but they didn't remember each other.

They had a blast at Wonder Wild.  I barely saw either child the whole time I was there.  The Diva was not acting very Divaish while we where there, she was playing and having a grand time all by herself!  She had me go up the play structure with her one time then she went down the big slide all by herself.  After that she would do the play structure with out me, she is getting so big and independent!  Still can't believe she will be 2 in less than a week!  Both kids had a blast on the trampoline.  Even the  Diva got on it all by herself and was actually jumping!


After Wonder Wild we joined our friends for lunch at Fuddrucker's.  I had packed the kids lunches because that is what we normally do when going to Wonder Wild.  Both kids wanted to eat the lunch I packed instead of getting food from Fuddrucker's (Awesome!)  So they had that while I got a veggie burger on a wheat bun (and only ate 1/2 the bun) with no fries or onion rings.  But I did get the kids each a cookie since I knew the other kids would get one with their meals.


After cookies we said good by to our friends and headed home.  Once we got home we saw the neighbors out side washing the car so we went over to say hello.  Petra helped me figure out how to fix my blown fuse which wasn't actually blown I just wasn't flipping the breaker correctly (I know and I swear I am not a blond!).  So glad I talked to her because what I didn't realize is that our deep freeze was on that breaker!  Luckliy non of the food had defrosted yet and only a small puddle had formed from the defrosting freezer!  While we were over there Petra invited up over for dinner which made it so much easier when I made the kids leave for nap time!

After naps and before going over to the neighbors house for dinner we broke in our new art table.  Not only did we break it in but we did it with glitter!

The kids loved the new art table (Thank you aunt Leona!) And I was happy the glitter was contained to one area.  I have big plans for the art table!  I think we have a new art station in the house!  After being creative it was playtime.  I caught a sweet moment of E playing baby with his sister!  They are loving all their new toys they got for their birthday party!

Before we knew it it was time to go across the street for dinner.  I love that we have a neighbor with kids of similar ages right across the the street.  I just wish she was a stay at home mommy too but at least she has a good job to go to!  The kids ate as good as I expected which means not much but they ate with out a fight.  Then the kids went outside to play and they played so well together!  No fighting at all between Eli and Mia!  The Diva and Macy had a little bit of disagreement over a ball but nothing another ball couldn't fix.  All to soon it was time to go home for baths, books and bed!

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