Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 Another breakfast and another Video chat with daddy happened this morning.  We did switch it up a little and we did our Bible study with daddy on the video chat.  Then we were off to drop the boy off at school.  Both kids had to take their gifts that they got last night with them in the car.  E has become very attached to his angry bird and the Diva discovered you can remove the giggle box from the baby.

So I totally thought that after dropping E off at school I would be able to listen to KSBJ instead of the kids mix cd.  So I switch the radio on and all of a sudden I hear from the back, "No No No, B-I, B-I, B-I, B-I.. (B-I is her way of saying Bible song)"  I got to listen to the Bible song over and over again on the way to the gym.

Wednesday is a weights day for me so I warmed up with 30 minutes on the elliptical and then hit the weight floor for leg/back day.  Look how much I can do on the leg press!!  Just kidding, people re-rack your weights!! So annoying!
might not be how much I pressed but I did do over 100 pounds!
 After the gym the Diva thought she would get some face time in with E's angry bird.  They were having some deep discussions.

The Diva and I decided it was a good day for a trip to the mall.  We rode the escalator, and than the elevator.  We tried to go to the pet store but the smell was to bad and too strong.  We hit up Godiva for our free piece of chocolate.  Then, for some weird reason, I decided to stop in the Gap.  I like one of the dresses they had in the display window and I found only one on clearance size extra small.  It didn't look so small so I thought I'd just try it on and see.  In no way am I an extra small but the dress fit and was on sale for $17 regular $60.  I think there is something wrong with their sizing.
gotta love my picture taking skills and my running pants.
Next we hit up the carousel and CFA.  The Diva told me she was hungry and wanted CFA so I obliged.  They ended up giving us 8 nuggets and the small fries were over flowing and huge.  She did manage to eat 3.5 nuggets
for some reason she will only ride on the bench.
Next we headed to the Disney store where she got excited about every stuffed animal in the place, but had a big fondness for nemo and decided to take him for a spin.

After a quick stop at the play area we headed home, so I could have some lunch and a little play time.

She rediscovered the ottoman.
All too soon it was time to pick the boy up from school. When we got home the Diva went down for her nap and the boy and I did home work.  Then he decided to give his plant a hair cut.

don't hair cutting is in his future, he cut the "hair" down to the dirt!
Then we decided to make some oatmeal cookies.  No reason why just because we needed something to do while we waited for the Diva to wake up.
Can you believe he didn't want to add chocolate chips!
Once the Diva woke up we had dinner outside on the patio and then headed to church.  By the time we got home both kids were wiped out and have not moved from where I tucked them in!

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