Thursday, October 17, 2013

Never ending Wednesday....very long.

Wednesday started off most like any other day, got up, though, it was 1.5 hours later than I wanted too.  Feed the kids breakfast, talk to Thomas with Video chat, got everyone dressed and in the car to Take the boy to school.  Of course the kids had to bring something into the car with them.
I feel safe I have my very own Power Ranger!
Baby needs to be safe in the car too.

After dropping the boy off at school the Diva and I headed to the gym.  Normally Wednesday's are a weight lifting day but I was coming back that afternoon so I switched things up.  I decided to do intervals but since I ran yesterday I did them on the stair climber.  I warmed up for 5 minutes at level 7 then increased the speed by 1 ever 2 minutes until I got to level 15.  Then "rested" at level 6/7 for 5 minutes ans increased the speed by 1 every minute until level 15 again.  Then for another minutes I increased the speed ever 15 seconds until level 19.  I was running on the stair climber for the last 30 seconds!  Then I cooled off at level 6. Stretched/foam rolled  and got the Diva.

The Diva and I then head to Market Street for Coffee and a short walk before heading to HEB for peanut butter and a few ingredients I for got at the Kroger's yesterday.
baby had to get coffee, go on a walk and go to HEB with us.
Finally the Diva and I got to head home.  Played while I unloaded the car, put the groceries away and finally finished folding and putting away the 5 loads of laundry.  Next it was nap time for the Diva, this is where my day started getting long.  After rocking her for 30 minutes I laid what I thought was a sleeping baby into the crib.  I go downstairs and start eating my lunch only to hear someone playing in her crib.  So I head back up stairs to get the Diva to go to sleep.  We had a very busy afternoon ahead of us so I need her to nap before getting the boy from school.  I rocked her for almost an hour and still did not get her to sleep.  I finally gave up and put her in her crib so I could eat my lunch and do a couple of other things before having to go get E from school.  By that time there was only 30 minutes until time to leave.

After getting the boy from school we headed to Walmart to get more supplies for my project and look at Halloween decorations.  We spent about an hour in Walmart (we also had to go look in the toy section) and then it was time to head back to the gym.  I had signed up the day before for a free training session and it was for Wednesday afternoon.  We got there early so I could use the restroom, put stuff in a locker and drop the kids off in the kids club.  Of course the Diva decides to poop (now I do much rather this happen before my workout than during it but why couldn't she have done this at Walmart!). Of course I have totally forgotten to replace the diapers and wipes in my gym bag so I had to run out and get some from the diaper bag.  Finally get the Diva changed and meet my trainer to get started.

The session started out with weight check (which was good) but than a body fat check (which was not good!).  Then I was a little irritated because she wanted to go show me intervals on cardio after I already told her that I do that and had already done that, that morning.  Then we finally started on the weights but we didn't do very much and the session ended 10 minutes early.  So I was a bit disappointing with the free training session, but what do I except seeing that it was free.  I did get one 2 good tips, one being that I still don't eat enough protein and the other was an exercise to work my inner thighs.  I also didn't like how she was trying to push he style of "diet" even though I already told her that I track what I eat and I also track my carbs, fat and protein.

Next it was time for dinner the kids picked CFA (yea!).  I had 2 free kids meal coupons so dinner ended up costing my $2.54!  The kids ate pretty good and we ran into a lot of people we knew.  I let the kids go to the play area while I cleaned up our dinner mess.  As soon as the kids went into the play area the Diva tripped and fell on a stair.  She ended up biting her tongue.  She was screaming bloody murder and had blood flowing from her mouth.  Finally got her calmed down and she got down and ran off back to the play area.  By that time it was time to head to church.

After getting the kids checked in and into their respective classes I headed to my class to get ready for the 3rd graders.  Not 15 minutes into the class and one of the Boys teachers came and got me saying the E said his tummy hurt.  I went down to him and made him go potty ( knowing that that's most likely what was wrong) but he still wanted to go home.  So back up stairs to tell my partner that I had to leave then back downstairs to go find the Diva, which they were outside on a buggy ride.  Found her and we were off for home.

Got the kids into bed and it was time for me to work on the chili for home group and do a few other things before heading to bed myself.  I should have just stayed up and did other stuff because I didn't fall asleep until sometime around 1 am.  that made for a very long Wednesday!

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