Saturday, October 19, 2013

A day in Waller!

I love when days that don't go as you plan end up being wonderful, today was one of those days.  Our plan for today was me to get up early (like I try to do) and us getting to the gym at 8 am (as soon as kids club opens) so I could do my long run of 9 miles.  Then head to Waller for the Hollamon fall festival and then home again for naps.  After naps we were going to decorate the pumpkins the kiddos got yesterday.  All those pans fell apart when I dropped my alarm clock on the floor (it resets when I drop it) and didn't wake up until past the time we were suppose to leave for the gym.  I thought I have 2 options 1. rush and try to get out o the house and to the gym but then I would have to cut my run way short or 2. take it slow and have the kids nap at my parents house so I could do my run then.  Eli was upset with plan number 2 because he wanted to do the pumpkins and I told him I don't see why we couldn't take the pumpkins with us and do them at Nanny's house.  So then he was up for plan number 2 but then was upset again when I told him it was time to go and we were not going to the gym.  Of course it ended up being no easy task to get out the door.  I ended up spending a good 15 minutes looking for some stick on mustaches I bought for E's costume and could never find them.  So we ended up at party city trying to find more.
It was a tad chilly so we bundled up (yep we're southerners!)
Finally on our way to Waller.  Since my head was still in a sleep fog I decided we need to stop by Starbucks for some coffee.  Well, it seems everyone in the woodlands/magnolia area had the same idea!  I have never seen a drive through line so long so we went in.  Normally my order is supper quick since I don't get a fancy coffee just drip brewed but this time E decided he wanted a hot chocolate.  And of course it took forever to get they even made several orders for customers that were behind us!  I was beginning to think we would never get out of there.  Finally we were on our way again and getting all green lights, making great time until we got Magnolia.  I totally forgot about Renfest and the traffic that it brings!  We finally made it to Waller and hour and 40 minutes after starting out.

The kids had a blast and the temps were just right even if it was a bit windy.  We did every single game there.  I also got to talk with several high school friends (much to E's dismay).
the football toss the E was way to good at

The Diva even started playing a few games too (she wanted the candy)

Part of an obstetrical course, that couch Matt would be proud of how he went over the hay bales.

The cookie Face game part of the minute to win.  he had to try and get the cookie in his mouth.

Part of minute to win it.
He was really good at knocking the water bottles down.

His 1st sack race, he raced against the Diva.

The diva found an easier way to to this race!

We took a hay ride to see the sights of Waller

Some how E got a vampire bite.

We took a chocolate fondue break

While we had the fondue E turned into a vampire!!!

Our last game was at Nanny's both we got our bowling on.

We finally headed into have some lunch and watch some of the auction.

 The Kids and I headed back to my parents to put the Diva down for a nap.  While the Diva napped E and I watched a couple of shows (the run never happened). Then we played a couple of games with Nanny.  Finally I noticed the time and it was getting really late so we decided to start painting the pumpkins and wake the Diva up.
He was really into it!
Such a cutie and he had a blast doing his angry bird pumpkin all by himself! 

He did awesome!

She loved her Hello Kitty pumpkin
The pumpkin is almost as cute as the owner!

 We ended up staying at my parents so late we had dinner there.  The kids got to have popcorn for dinner and the adults had some very yummy smoked pulled pork.  Noticing how late it was I decided to give the kids a bath at my house, which they loved.  But then were a bit disappointed when I told them we were not spending the night.  Before the bath the Diva even went into the office and started cleaning off Eli's bed so he could sleep in it.  She is such a sweetie and little mamma.  Giving them a bath at may parents was a great idea because E ended up falling asleep on the ride home.
When we finally got home I was greeted at the door with this....
Love you Thomas and miss you too!

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