Monday, October 7, 2013

Simple Weekend

So I haven't updated my blog in almost a year. That's because it said that I was going to have to pay if I wanted to add any more pictures.  I finally came to the conclusion (I'm a little slow) that I will pay, But low and behold I up loaded a picture and I didn't have to pay!

This weekend was a pretty relaxed one.  My sister and brother-in-law came down on Friday to spend the night.  The next morning they and Thomas got up to run the Tough Mudder down in Baytown!  They completed it too!  Thomas has been training for months and months so proud of him.

I on the other hand had my last run before the 10 for Texas next month so got up at 4:15 am to run my 9 miles before the Tough Mudder team had to leave at 7 am.  I did and did it all on the treadmill at the gym watching 1.5 hours of news.  

After the kids got up and we had cinnamon rolls.  I tried so hard to resist but resistance was futile (say in a dark vader voice)  But they were yummy and I did just run 9 miles at a sub 9 minute pace.  Then we played our favorite game of night night.  Which includes getting ever thing out of the crib and every single stuffed animal and blanket and having mommy cover you up a million times.  Then it was on to our newest game of tea party which was total cuteness.  Even the Big E got into that!

Next off we hit the road to go see Cloudy With a Chance of Meat Balls 2.  Which was awesome!  I ate way too much pop corn and mini kit kats and so did the kids so we called that lunch.  The rest of the day consisted of naps (with me working on 42 super hero capes), waiting for the Tough Mudder crew to get back and a movie.

Sunday we got up and got to church  and made it to the 8:30 service.  Loving the cooler weather and the light rain.  The kids were excited because they got to wear their jackets for the 1st time.  Eli in SBA one and HJ in her Jean Jacket.  HJ and I had our 1st fight over her hair.  It was over which clip to put in her hair (she won).  Church was awesome as usual.

After church we headed to Market Street to eat at The Counter.  I was good and got a veggie burger in a bowl.  And Thomas and I made the great decision not to get fries!  We didn't even miss them.  We told our selfs that the kids get a lot of fries and if we decided we wanted them we could always order them later.  We never missed them.  The kids were actually great and the service was surprisingly prompt.  We never go to the Counter because it usually takes forever.  

After Market Street we came home for naps.  Then I took the kids to party city to pick out a costume for Eli.  HJ is  going to wear Eli's costume from when he was 2 with the addition of a Tutu to girl it up.  Then to the park so Eli could practice roller skating.  He is getting better every day.

We ended our Sunday with costumes!  

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