Friday, October 18, 2013

Waffles, fireman and chili!

For some reason I told the kids that waffles sounded good for breakfast and, of course, they reminded me about waffles for breakfast.
While I was busy in the kitchen the boy decided to play one of his new games by himself.
So cute I would hear him asking the questions and then answering himself too.

Then it was time to take the boy to school.  The Diva and I had a pretty busy day planned while brother was at school.  Thursday is the Diva's gymnastics day and usually we hit up Starbucks before to wast a little time before heading to flips.  But in order to try and lower my body fat % I more tan doubled my protein intake for breakfast and it had me so full that I couldn't even have a cup of coffee so we just headed to flips early and played in the car for a little while.

After gymnastics we headed to the mommy and me event for October with FBCTW.  This month it was the new fire station on Grogans Mill.  There where a lot of mommies and a lot of little ones there!  1st we got a small tour of the fire house he diva liked seeing her but did not want to touch her.

Then the guys took us back to where all the fire trucks are and showed us the tools and then showed the kids what the firefighter would look like if he came to your house in the case of a fire so the kids wouldn't be sacred
not interested in the cool tools!
all the gear.

She was very interested in how he got dressed in all that stuff.  So didn't mean to cut off his head!
The Diva was terrified of the fireman all dressed up in his gear.  I have to admit with all the gear and his breathing mask he was a bit scary and would be very scary in the dark and a smoked filled room.  Once he took off his gear the Diva was more than willing to give him 5.

Then it was time to explore the trucks.  The diva has been to a fire station before and also the fireman and truck came to story time before.  Both times she wanted nothing to do with getting in the trucks but this time she was all about getting into the trucks.  I guess seeing all the other kids her size doing it made her brave!

She loved "driving" the big truck!
Of course we had to get a picture standing on the truck with a couple of our friends.
Love the look she is giving Campbell.

next up was an attempt to get a picture of all the kiddos!

The Diva was being, well, a diva!  We had a great time at the firehouse.  But it was time to move on, we headed to the gym next.  I tried out a new running work out.  I decided to do sprints on the treadmill.  I warmed up with 5 minutes of walking then a slow 9.22 minuted mile.  After the warm out I did 1 minute of sprinting at 6.40 minute mile or 8 mph then would walk for a minute at 4 mph or 15 minute miles.  I did this 10 times.  Then I did one more minute but increased the speed every 15 seconds by .1.  I cooled down with 5 minutes of walking.  This workout had me drenched!  The whole work out with warm up and cool down took me 40 minutes and I did a little over 4 miles. I did about 15 minutes of stretching and foam rolling.

After the gym we headed back to HEB (yes that is 3 grocery shopping trips in 3 days!).  I had totally forgot we were out of vitamins.  I have been reading more about GMOs in the vitamins we give our kids and then read the back of the package of the flinstones I have been giving the kids.  I couldn't pronounce most of what was on there so I decided to switch the kids vitamins to a "whole foods" type.  Trying to make small changes and be more aware of what we are feeding ourselves.

The Diva and I headed home for lunch and play time.  I decided not to put her down for a nap until after school today so we didn't have to go through the same thing as yesterday.  She decided to play dress up.  
Her night lite of a bird makes the perfect ride for Pooh!

Next we watched some Barney while I ate my lunch which consisted of a salad with 5 oz of chicken (I have never eaten so much protein!).  The barney we watched was about going to the dentist and oral hygiene.  So the Diva had to go grab her tooth brush and brush along with Barney.

Before we knew it, was time to go get the boy from school. Once home I put the Diva down for a nap and E and I got ready for home group.  The boy also did his home work and I think we got it done in record time.  It was the letter "L" and we found 3 letter L words in the 1st 2 pages of the the magazine.  After homework Eli spent some time showing me how to draw the number 8 and number 3.  He also told me that I was doing it wrong.  He also spent sometime going through all of our art supplies.  We are loving our art table!
He is very good at the number 8!
painting with water colors.

Finally the long awaited home group arrived.  When the 1st family arrived the kids spent a good 20 minutes playing on the art table.  Once everyone arrived it was time to dig into the chili I made.  So glad the temps cooled down so we could really enjoy the chili.  I look forward to the 1st bowl of chili every year!  We had a great time of fellowship and the kids had a blast.  Once everyone left it was bed time.  I told the Diva that if she went pee pee in the potty I would give her a piece of candy and she did!!!!  I know I could potty train her at anytime but I can't find panties small enough for her.  I have searched online with no luck.  I guess I am going to buy some and then sew them so they don't fall off.

Today was so much fun and a lot better than yesterday! 

PS while we were having fun here in TX Thomas was off in Germany drinking X-rated water


And going through very real fire drills!

That is smoke coming out of the building.


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