Friday, October 11, 2013

gymnastics time

Thursday is another school day for the boy.  So it's another day of just me and the Diva.  After dropping the boy off at school on Thursday's the Diva and I like to go for coffee to waste a few minutes before heading to her gymnastic's class.

Since I go to Starbucks so much I decided to be a little "green" and bought their $1 reusable cup.  AT least I save a whole 10 cents when I use it!

The Diva was amazing at gymnastics.  We even had a sub coach today and she still did awesome.  I can't believe how much she is starting to do with out me.

After gymnastics and the gym we headed home for lunch and naps.  When I put the diva down after picking up the boy from school she is out in 5 minutes.  Putting her down before picking up the boy from school can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.  So the obvious answer is to put her down after school but that means we have to go home right after picking the boy up.  Also that also means she is getting a late nap which keeps her up later and I have to wake her up early to take the boy to school in the mornings.  It took 45 minutes to get that stinker to nap!

After picking th boy up from school we headed to do 2 small errands and for frozen yogurt.  The yogurt was a nice treat but I don't think we will be doing it again after school since neither of them ate their dinner!  After dinner we had a little fun at home, which include a little gymnastics.

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