Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Coffee Date and Sweet Prayers

Tuesday was actually a slower day for us.  We dropped Eli off at school and then HJ and I ran a couple of small errands before heading to Starbucks for a little coffee date.

Hj had her "coffee" (chocolate milk) and I had mine.  As per usual we had to sit in every open seat. After a couple of minutes it was time to head up the road to Bible study.  We talked about preparing our selves for temptation.  Keeping watch for the devour-er.  
After Bible study we headed home for lunch and to work some stuff for the party.  HJ loved helping run the food processor.  And before we new it, it was time to pick up E from school.!

After school HJ got a nap and E worked on homework.  Finding "I" words in a magazine is not as easy as you think it would be but we finally found 3!  I-pad, I-phone and Imitation crab meat.  There was also some more costume dress up for the boy.

Once the Diva was up from her beauty sleep we head back out again for gymnastics.  The boy is really starting to improve,  he was doing some awesome backward rolls and was finally getting the spring board to move.

We ended our night with a very quick dinner of oatmeal.  Eli's prayers were so sweet tonight I wish I would have recorded it.  Normally he rushes through his pray but tonight he had a very sincere prayer. 

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