Sunday, October 13, 2013

rain, rest, repeat

Sunday morning we decided to take it very easy.  It was a nice rainy morning for having a slow morning but that also meant we didn't make it to the 8:30 service at Church.  We took it so slow we were almost late for Sunday school!

After Church I took the kids to Target to spend their Birthday money.  Both thought this was an excellent idea.  I remember as a kid $15 could buy a ton of toys not so much any more!  The kids still can away with one pretty cool toy each.  Eli got another TMNT toy and The Diva got a baby carrier for her new baby, she has been eyeing the one at Kroger's for weeks.  Then it was home for lunch and naps.  But 1st we got to video talk with Thomas!  The kids loved it.  They got to show him a lot of their new toys. Eli did not want to hang up and I had to bribe him in order to get him off the computer.

After naps we got to play with our new toys then went out side so E could ride his new bike.  Nanny got E a big boy bike and he just loves it!  He was so fast on that thing I had to run to keep up with him and he wasn't even putting forth much effort.  I think it's time for mommy to get a bike too.  Hope I can still ride!

We also did some roller skating but I for got to get a picture.  Her is the before shot.

Then the Diva had to get a picture in her cool new shoes!

Sunday was just the nice relaxing day that we all needed but now I still have the task of getting my house back together again!

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