Saturday, October 20, 2012

You only turn 1 once! Part 1

Like the title of this post, you only turn one once so in true Diva fashion there was way to much to contain the Diva's Birthday celebration to one post.  This post is dedicated to pre-party happenings.  You will have to excuses my appearance in any of these pictures because I do not get ready for the day until after the Diva has breakfast or else I will just have to change clothes again.

Luckily since the Diva has never had a birthday before she wasn't too excited and slept till 7 am on her birthday morning (much better then last year when she made her appearance at 2:44 am!) 
As soon as we came down the stair the Diva saw her 1st present of the day.

She just about leaped out of my arms to get to it.

Her very own Diva chair (Eli has his own chair in the living room)

She had to make sure it was up to her Diva standrads.

Not quite sure what she is doing her but she loved the chair.

She took a quick break from her chair to tell daddy thank you.

Then went right back to the chair.

Just in case you forgot, the Diva is 1 and she wants to make sure you know.

We finally tore the Diva away from her new chair by promising daddy would make her waffles for her birthday breakfast.

She decided that since it was her birthday she should be allowed to help daddy.

She told daddy she would help him scoop the batter.

Finally birthday waffles!  What a better way to eat a birthday breakfast but on top of the counter.

Finally Eli got up and decided to join us for birthday waffles and of course on top of the counter.  Maybe we should get some stools?

Just in case you forgot, Eli is 4 and the Diva is 1.

Since the party theme was The Very Hungry Caterpillar we had story time with our waffles.

Then after breakfast it was back to the chair, where Eli joined the Diva in his chair.

I finally was able to get the Diva dressed for her party, but getting a good photo is another issue.  So the next series of pictures is us trying to get a good photo of the Birthday girl in her party dress, I'm not sure we succeeded, what do you think?

Goofy girl!

Caterpillar on the tush

Next post, the PARTY!

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