Friday, October 5, 2012

Halloween Project #2

Day 2 of our October Projects we made bats.

1st step eat a bunch of eggs so you have an empty egg container (but make sure it's a paper one or you  will have to eat another dozen eggs) Then cut out bats, which is not a easy as you would think it is.

Next get a cranky boy who just woke up from a nap and would rather watch a movie than paint bats.  But of course he doesn't tell you this until you have already poured out a lot of paint.  When you tell him you already pored the paint he will say, "You paint the bats and I will watch a movie".  Next threaten not to do any more projects with the boy if he doesn't help you paint the bat.

then have the cranky boy paint the egg carton bats black, while he does his mood will start to improve.

By the time all 4 bats are painted the cranky boy will be smiling and having a good time.

Lastly glue on eyes and the ribbon you and cranky boy picked out at Hobby Lobby.

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