Friday, October 12, 2012

Halloween Project #4

This Is our 4th project that we have done for Halloween.  So far project number 3 has not been completed, there fore there is no post for it yet.  If we actually ever finish project number 3 I will post about it and all the issues that went with it.  But for now I will focus on a more successful project.

This project started with a boy who was in a pretty good mood because he had a good nap and we just made a really yummy snack that we were waiting to finish cooking.  So Eli thought that doing another project while we waited for our snack to cook and cool sounded like a great idea!

First take a happy boy (who is now 4!) and paint a whole canvas black.

Next enjoy the snack that was made earlier while you wait for the canvas to dry.

While the kids are trapped in their booster seats paint one of each kids feet white

While painting the older ones foot and trying to take a picture all at the same time, use one of your other feet to keep the Diva out of the white paint.

Once you get the feet white carefully press them on the dried black canvas

After getting the foot prints throw your kids in the bath tub because they are covered in white paint and snack and they are going to KNO after daddy gets home and they are way to gross to take out in public.

Last, after the white paint dries, draw cute ghost faces on with a black marker.  I also wrote their names and date with a white paint pen.

This was a totally cute and easy project that evolved both kiddos! 

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