Thursday, October 4, 2012

Eli and his 1st piece of gum

Eli has been begging for a while to chew gum, (I miss the days where I had him believing that gum was gross).  We told him that when he turns 4 he can chew gum.  That day came and as much as I had hoped he would forget about gum he remembered!  After dinner on Thursday night we let him have the coveted piece of gum, Hubba Bubba.

Of course we made him get into the gum himself (hoping the frustration of opening gum would sway him)

But the package did not sway an eager 4 yer old.

Next he tackled the gum wrapper.

The wrapper proved to be a little tougher

but was still no match for a boy who has waited 4 years to try gum

The 1st taste

He had to make sure he was doing it right,

And the chew!

Then the Diva came up and wanted to know where her piece was.  Eli was quick to remind her that she couldn't have any until she was 4.

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