Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Project #7

For this project we decided to get a few friends in on the action.  This friends project went a lot better than the last time we had a friend over for project time.  Of course the fact that we were decorating cookies might be why it went better this time!

A couple of weeks ago Nanny gave Eli a box of Halloween decorating candies.  I made Eli wait to open it till closer to Halloween.  While in the store buying stuff to decorate cookies with I thought it would be fun to have a couple of friends over to get in on the fun!
They were very serious about putting the frosting on.  Poor Taylor the girl stuck between the boys, at least she can hold her own.

Eli was a little to busy eating to actually decorate.

The Diva was content to just have a plain cookie and hold the lid to the icing.

I think more of the candies went into Eli's mouth than on the cookies.

I was able to get a shot with all the kiddos including the babies.

I think Madison was jealous that everyone else had a cookie so she decided to eat her blanket,

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