Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween Project # 3

Next in our series of Halloween projects was Goo.  We dubbed this goo from glue since you make it with glue (we are very creative with naming things in this house, that's why monkey's name is monkey)

1st gather all the ingredients.  I knew keeping that box of Borax for 8 years would come n handy one day.

Next get your husband to pick up the Diva since she is whining and worried about being left out of the goo fun.  Have the boy mix 1 tsp of borax into 1 cup of water, then have boy complain that he can't do it so you do it for him.

Then have boy pour glue into a bowl, but make sure that when you buy the glue that you are too cheap to buy the Elmer's glue so you buy the cheapest glue that smells horrible and stinks up your house

After the glue, have the boy mix food coloring into the smelly glue.  We chose green food coloring so the goo would look like slime.

Next stir 1/2 cup of water into the colored glue.  After that is mixed up pour the borax mixture in and this is where the fun begins.

Go ahead and get rid of the spoon at this point because it wont help you,

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and stick your hands right on in the goo.  It feels pretty gross!

Make as much noise as you can while touching it which will make your 4 year old touch it with his finger and squeal 

Soon the 4 year old will start to get a bit braver and touch even more of the goo but will continue to squeal gross.

This will cause the Diva to fill left out again and she will want to touch it too.  But remember to watch your Diva closely because she might try to eat it.

Once you feel your goo it fully mixed pour off the excess water (there will be quite a bit of extra water)  and now it's time to play!

all the squeals will bring in the daddy to play with the goo too.

We had a great time experimenting with the goo.

Eli quickly got over his fear of the goo.

Daddy had to get in on the play too.

This will cause the boys to pretend the goo is snot

And once you you go down that road it just gets worse.

any guess on what the boys are pretending the goo to be now??!?

And of course the Diva had to get in on it too!

This project was awesome, I can't believe how much Eli got into it.  Eli played with the goo for over an hour (which for Eli is incredible!)  I highly recommend this it didn't really make much of a mess and cleaned up super easy.

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