Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Project #5

So moving right along with our Halloween project series we made homemade Butterfingers.  I know Butterfingers are not technically Halloween but it's candy and made with Candy Corn so in my book that means Halloween.  Plus we only make it in October (although this is only the second year we made it but we did it in October last year so its becoming an October tradition!).  Eli has been begging me to make Butterfingers for about 6 months now and I told him that he had to wait until October since it's made with Candy Corn and it's only available during October (Yes I know I can find it at other times of the year if I looked but I don't want to and want to keep this an October thing).

This is a great recipe because it only uses 3 ingrediants, Candy Corn, peanut butter and chocolate. (I don't know why they both have sour looks on their faces, they were actually in a great mood).

First get yourself a very strong 4 year old to dump 16 oz of Candy Corn into a bowl

Then scoop the peanut butter into the bowl.  The actual directs say to do this after the Candy Corn has melted but I thought we would try it all at once (I live dangerously)

While the mixture is melting in the microwave take a snack break (She is trying to steal her brothers snack even though she has her own off to the side, another reason I call her the Diva)

Next work on mixing the Candy Corn and peanut butter, and remember that the last time you made this you made a mental note not to use reduced fat peanut butter but are in fact using the reduced fat peanut butter again!  So you add some coconut oil to the mixture and then the mixing goes a lot better.  So if  you make this use full fat peanut butter (it's candy anyways so no need to try and save fat!)

Next get a cute picture of your cuties in front of the bowl of Butter Finger mixture!

Pour mixture into an 8X8 pan and press out but watch out the mixture is very hot!  (don't you love my camera work?!)

Then give your silly boy the spoon to lick (doesn't the Diva look so sad that she didn't get the spoon?!  I am sticking with my "no candy till at least 1" rule, so one more week and she can have some but don't feel too bad for her she just had a big snack)

Next put some Chocolate (Almond bark) into a bowl.

Then while you are waiting for it to melt in the microwave have your silly boy entertain you with the spoon.

After it melts pour chocolate onto the Butter Finger mixture.

Last spread the Chocolate all over and wait for it to harden.

Then of course enjoy it (with a cup of coffee!)

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