Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween project #6

Our next installment of Halloween projects is a cotton ball ghost.

Eli was very eager to do this project.
1st draw a ghost shape on a piece of paper and if you are like me draw a Pac-man ghost shape

Then get a bunch of cotton balls and a plate full of glue

Have a sweet boy dip the cotton in the glue and place them inside the pac-man ghost shape.  But in the process of gluing the cotton balls on make sure you run out of cotton balls and can't find the second bag you have.  Then, just before you have the sweet little boy glue on cotton pads find the lost bag of cotton balls.

Look how proud he is of his work!

Next have the boy cut circles out of black paper for the eyes and mouth.  He did a great job cutting a circle.

After gluing on the face get your stamp pad out and let the sweet little boy stamp boo on the ghost paper,

last, have your sweet little boy show off his work!

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