Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finger Painting!

Today I decided to let the kids finger paint but since the Diva puts everything in her mouth we painted with chocolate syrup. This is something my mom use to do with me when I was little and I always thought it was fun.  

The boy about to dive right in, I thought it would be easier to clean if they painted without their tops on.

The 1st thing the Diva did was stick it in her mouth.

Thomas got the fun job of cleaning out all the dry playdough, while the kids played in chocolate syrup.

The Diva finally getting into the painting part.

Eli really got into it!

The Diva really enjoyed the tasting part.

Look at that face!

And that face!

They had a good messy time and then we threw them into the tub.  But I didn't get any pictures of that because 2 messy kids left behind a very big mess!

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