Saturday, November 3, 2012

Apple Fritters

For the 1st part of my childhood I grew up in New York and fall meant apple season.  We would go to the apple orchards and pick a ton of apples, watch them make apple cider then enjoy apple cider donuts.  One of the things my mom use to do to use up some of the apples we picked was to make fresh homemade apple fritters.  I have such great memories of my mom frying up these yummy fritters and then we would shake them in either powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar in brown paper bags while they were still warm.  I have looked forward to the day that I could make these for my own children.  I tried a couple of years ago to make them for Eli but he wanted nothing to do with them at that time.  For some reason I decided to give it another try this morning.

So I got before everyone and started getting everything put together.  The recipe is easy and fast to put together.  While I got everything mixed up I heated the oil.  About the time I had the apples chopped I heard the Diva wake up (6:30am) so she joined me in making the fritters.
I just think these are beautiful!

As a child I remember my mom draining them on the paper bags we would get from the grocery store but since we doen't get those anymore a paper towel did the trick to catch the excess oil.

So much childhood happiness in this picture!

The Diva was the 1st to taste our creation.

She said they were a hit and put away 3 of them before anyone was even awake!

Next taste tester was the boy, he chose to have his fritters with powdered sugar.

This time he liked them!

Fiannlly Thomas was up and had all 3 flavors of fritters, he also said they were a hit.  Hannah Joy was a little upset because I didn't let her chose her fritter flavor so she ate one of daddy's powdered sugar fritters.  Thomas has no shirt on because we were going to have family pictures take this morning and he didn't want his shirt dirty.  The diva just likes to go around in a diaper!

I am so happy that my family enjoyed the fritters!  I hope that they also become a fond childhood memory for my children just as they are for me and they are for my mom, (My Granny use to make these for my mom when she was little).

Fresh Apple Fritters

1 cup milk                                           1 orange (rind & juice)
1 egg, beaten                                       1 cup apples, chopped fine
4 tablespoons  margarine                     3 cups flour
½ cup sugar                                         2 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt                                   1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat egg.  In a mixing bow, combine the milk, egg and melted margarine.  Add the orange juice rind, chopped apples (skins can be left on) and vanilla.  Sift together the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder.  Stir into milk mixture with a spoon until blended.  Do not over mix.  Preheat oil in a skillet to 350 F.  Drop off the end of tablespoon into hot oil.  Fry to a golden brown.  Turn so they brown evenly.  Allow to cool.  Roll in powdered sugar.  We put powered sugar in one bag and a combination of granulated sugar and cinnamon in one bag and shook. We left some plain for Dad.
 Serve with salads, eat as dessert, or have for breakfast.

I think we peeled the apples.
The original recipe came from Granny.  She used to make them when I was a kid.

350 for the hot oil. 
Makes about 40 fritters