Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trunk or Treat!

Our Church, First Baptist Church of the Woodlands, puts on Trunk or Treat the Sunday before Halloween.  This is the second year that they have done this and our second year to go.

This was the best picture I got of batman and robin together.  Batman is not much for posing for pictures with Robin I guess he's worried some one will learn his secret identity.

Batman was all about the candy.

Robin was having a great time walking around and seeing everyone.

Some of the trunks had games too.

Some of the cars were really decked out!

Another cut out another photo opp!

We ran into batgirl!

The cutest Robin I have ever seen!

at some point in the evening Eli and Buzz (Austin) took it upon themselves to run the bowling game, they did a good job at it too.

later that evening we ran into another Buzz light year (Abe) and Doctor Hudson.

After the kids had hit up all the trunks (multiple times) they had a great time just playing with each other while the adults conversed.  We had an awesome time at Trunk or treat, Thank you FBCTW!

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