Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick or Treat 2012

Finally it's October 31st, Halloween.  October seems to be a crazy month for this Mullinnix family, might have something to do with having 2 children born in this month!  I started off Halloween morning by getting up crazy early to sew Eli a new trick or treat bag.  Talk about last minute, Eli needed it for school that morning because they were having a fall party.
I think it turned out pretty cute, but since I wasn't fully awake when I was making it I ended up ripping out a lot of seems and sewing the handle on wrong side out.  Opps, maybe one day I wont wait to the last minute to do things!

Since this is the Diva's 1st year trick or treating I thought she deserved her own special bag too.  This one I made during nap time so the handle is on correctly.  I love the kitty cupcake design!

Eli got to wear his costume to school that morning so I thought I would dress the Diva up in hers to show it off while we went to story time and ran errands.

A true Diva pose!

The Diva's costume was the hit of Story time

After the Diva and I pick the boy up from school we head down to League city to go trick or treating with Aunt Katy Aunt Melissa, Uncle Jonathan, Caleb and Aaron.  Since we got there before Aunt Melissa and the boys got home we thought we would go visit GG, PaPa and Uncle Darrell.  I totally forgot to take pictures!
Aunt Melissa ordered pizza for us to enjoy before the big event of the night.  She thought the boys would love the pumpkin pizza and she was right.  On the way down to Leage City the boy informed me that he no longer liked pizza (he never was a big fan, strange I know!) But since it was a "pumpkin" pizza he ate 1.5 slices (it might have been because Caleb was eating it too)

The older cousins eating their pumpkin pizza on their pumpkin plates on their pumpkin place mats!

Aaron was there too but he wasn't much for the pizza.  The Diva was attached to my hip so no picture of her but she put away 2 slices.

Finally it was time to head outside but of course we had to get pictures first (just to prolong the boys agony of waiting)
Batman and Robin need a Bat-mobile to trick or treat in style

I love the way Robin is watching Batman.

Can't forget Doctor Caleb, the cutest 3 year old doctor ever!

Since Batman and Robin need some one to fight, Harvey Dent (2 Face) came along.

Cat Women was also being pursued by the Dynamic Duo

There was one of the cutest little lions that joined the bunch too!  After pictures our crew finally hit the pavement for some candy.

This being the boy's 4th time and Caleb's 3rd time trick or treating they knew exactly what to do.

After about 2 houses the Diva totally got into the whole trick or treat thing.  What could be better than you go up to people, they make a huge deal about how cute you are then give you candy.  Then you get back into your bat-mobile and daddy pulls you to the next stop.

The Diva Checking out her new bubbles.She also carried her treat bag up to each house.  I wish I would have video taped her trick or treating.  She loved every second of it.

She had to go back into the bat-mobile every time we left a house.  She would lift up her legs into a seated position until I put her back into the bat-mobile.

The boys had to show aunt Katy their goods.  See the little lion in the back ground?!  He had a great time too.

This was the look the Diva had pretty much all night.

Batman is serious about getting the candy.

We didn't last that long out trick or treating even though I think the Diva could have gone on all night, everyone else was about ready to get home and go to bed.  But before we cleaned up and headed back to Spring the boy had to check out some of his loot.

The next day we had a candy buffet!

I love going down to League City so the cousins can go trick or treating together.  This was the second time we did this, (we didn't go down last year since I had just given birth a week earlier), hopefully it will stay a tradition for a while.

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