Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Oil Ranch

My parents church (and the church I grew up at) have picnics at the Oil Ranch periodically and my mom asked if we would like to go.  So Sunday after church Thomas, the Diva and I headed to Hockley (th boy had spent the night with my parents) to meet up with my mom and Eli at the Oil Ranch.  

The kids were scoping the place out as we waited to check in.

Eli thought he'd give volleyball a try after being inspired by the USA women's beach volleyball at the Olympics this summer.

The Diva and Nanny showing off her shirt made just for going to the Oil Ranch.

They had a pumpkin patch too so of course that means photo opp!
That is ghost sheep in the Diva's hand, who now goes everywhere with us.

Stacking pumpkins is the thing to do in a pumpkin patch.

I lost Eli to the trailer at this point but at least the Diva is almost always up for a picture!

Eli thought the trailer (with nothing on it) was a better place to take pictures and....

to play hide from sister.

The Diva was throwing a fit in order to get a ball even though it was bigger then her.
The church provided pizza for lunch, doesn't the Diva make a great center piece?

had to get a picture of Julie and sweet Naomi.

After lunch we rode the train the kids loved it.  The Diva got a little spooked during the hunted tunnel so she had to leave Nanny and come back to mommy.

Eli even got to shoot a paint ball gun, Thomas was so proud!

Eli will willingly take pictures if it is through a wood cut out.

Love her eyes!

More cut outs

After the train Eli tried out the bounce house.

after the bounce house Eli tried his hand at duck racing.

Before we headed to to car the kids spent a few minutes playing on the jungle gym

She'll be climbing on it before we know it!

There was a lot more to do at the Oil Ranch but Eli was pretty tired from spending the night at Nanny's house and ready to go home.  He also wanted to get home so we could go to Trunk or Treat at our church that evening.  Thank you Waller Baptist for a fun time at the Oil Ranch!

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