Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Monday evening after the playgroup party and dinner we decided to carve pumpkins.  This might not have been our smartest ideas but we were running out of time before Halloween.  

I think the Diva had to much fun for one day and by that evening she had pretty much had it.  We tired to bribe her with one of the witches hat cookies.  She loved the cookie if you couldn't tell.

But the cookie didn't work

So we tried a rice crispy treat.

Thomas did a great job drawing a scary face per Eli's request.

The rice crispy treat worked until the guts of the pumpkin were reveled.  The Diva pretty much lost it at that point.  Apparently the guts are very scary.

Eli thought the guts were pretty cool!

The Diva Calmed down enough to check out a pumpkin seed

She thought it was pretty neat.

She then got up confidence to check out the inside of the pumpkin.  But after that the Diva had had it and went to bed.

After the Diva went to bed and somehow Eli lost his pants the caring of the pumpkin resumed.

Eli had fun playing with the pumpkin carvings.

The finished carving.

So the next evening we thought we would give pumpkin carving with the Diva another try.

Again the Diva lost it when the guts were reviled.

But calmed down again for the seeds

She even got up the courage to touch the pumpkin with some coaxing from her brother.

again Eli lost his pants (not quite sure how this keeps happening) But Eli got to try and carve some of the pumpkin

Our pumpkin patch

I tried to sneak our little Mini Mouse into the picture.

Hopefully next years pumpkin carving will go better!


  1. I carved the pumpkins with the girls middle of the day Halloween and it worked out great! Although next year I will keep our carved pumpkins indoors till evening so the squirrels won't get then. Lana was pretty upset.

  2. We wanted to do it during the day but we didn't have time over the weekend and Thomas wanted to be a part of the fun too. Our pumpkins never made it outside this year =-)
