Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hannah Joy is 9 Months!

Hannah Joy turned 9 months back on the 20th but I was waiting to post this entry until I got her 9 month pictures back.   Hannah Joy is 14 pounds even and 26 inches long.  That puts her in the less than 5% for weight and 10% for length.  To put into a little more prospective, when Eli was 6 moths old he weighed 14lbs 2 ozs.  So yes she is small but boy does she eat!  

She love yogurt and most of her meals are made up of different types of yogurt.  But she will try pretty much anything (food or not).  Some of her favorites are grapes, strawberries, marinara sauce, roasted pepper sauce and ice cream.  This sweet little thing loves ice cream!  Such a switch from a couple of months ago when we couldn't get her to eat anything and were really worried about her weight.  Her biggest dislike is hummus which her brother use to live off of.

She has been crawling for a little over a month and is starting to tackle the tile floor even though she doesn't like it.  She pulls up and is starting to cruz.  She loves balls and anything her brother is playing with.  Don't try to take a toy from her or you will get to listen to her scream. She likes the water and thinks she can swim because she has been watching her brother swim.  She is getting a lot more independent and loves playing with her toys by herself. 

Now time for picture over load!


We love you Hannah Joy and look forward to watching you grow!

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