Saturday, December 31, 2011

bye bye 2011



We got to be kings/queens for New years eve while we enjoyed our last meal of 2011.


And of course there were fire works


Yea daddy on the figure 8!


Of course our night ended well before midnight!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning!


Santa came the cookies are gone as well as the carrots.





Santa believes in good oral hygiene


Merry Christmas very one!


Santa came for baby doll too!



Of course mommy woke up sick.


Daddy playing Santa while mommy played sick on the couch (except not playing)


The boys played with new toys while baby doll napped and mommy tried to get her self feeling better for the rest of the days festivities.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve

Photo Bomb!


Easy morning!


Gotta love a baby in a tutu and santa hat


Eli and his best buddy “dancing” in the snow at the Kids Christmas Eve Service.  They didn’t really dance they just stood there (they were being good little Baptist boys!)


Gotta get a picture of the baby doll in her Christmas best and that handsome daddy!


Best picture i could get of the two and I tried a lot!




Night everyone!


Coco and popcorn while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas then off to bed so Santa can come!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sibling Love

Eli loves his little sister, this morning he decided to read her a story and let her hold onto his stuffed monkey.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sugar Cookie Extravaganza

When I was really young my family always had a tradition of decorating sugar cookies (these were the cookies we left for Santa).  I have such great memories of the whole family doing this together so I looked forward to the time when Eli was old enough to do this.  Well, this was the year, so we started the Mullinnix cookie extravaganza tradition.

Earlier this week Eli and I made Lofthouse sugar cookie dough.  So today I thought it would be fun to cut out and decorate the cookies together.  Luckily Thomas got off of work really early that day and was able to be home the mess, err I mean fun!

First we cut out the dough in different shapes. And since I haven’t blogged in a long time I totally forgot to take pictures!  Then while the cookies cooked and cooled Eli and I made the icing.  Do you know what happens when you let a 3 year old turn on a mixer full of powdered sugar? 


This is what happens!, This is where we relized we forgot to get the camera out to take pictures and when we did we found out the battery was dead.  Thank goodness for phone cameras.  This picture does not do the mess justice, white stuff was everywhere!  You don’t see me in the picture but I was covered in it too!  I just kept telling myself, “We’re making memories!”  What messy memories we made that day!


The set up for the decorating madness!


Look who woke up to join in the fun!


Showing the boy what to do.

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Thomas got in on the action too!


Had to make sure the girl got in on this too!


Sprinkle time


And more sprinkles….


And more sprinkles!  Eli loved the sprinkle part.  Little girl had to go eat during the sprinkle fun.


Some of the Eli decorated cookies


E ate more of the sprinkles than what ended up on the cookies!


Again this picture does not do the mess justice!

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Eli loves his sprinkles!


So after all that mess, err cookie making this mommy decided we need to have pizza for dinner.  Sister decided to join us for our dinner since she was done with hers.  Notice the only beer is at mommies spot.  This mommy has a hard time with messes, err cookie decorating!


The finished products.  Eli fizzled out after a few cookies so I finished icing them.  All in all we all had a fun time with this and I look forward to next year, so Hannah Joy can be more than just a spectator.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Double Trouble!

Abram "Abe" is Eli's best friend. Since they don't see nearly enough of each other at church on Sundays, school on Tuesday and Thursdays and any other Bible study/church function we go to I decided to invite Abe over to decorate gingerbread house. This worked out perfect because Abe's mommy need to run an errand that she really didn't want to take Abe on, so I offered to watch him.

The boys were having a good time decorating and of course little girl decided to wake up in the middle of it and I need to go take care of her for a minute. I was only up stairs for less than 5 minutes and when I came down I learned why you never leave 2 three year old boys alone with a table full of candy!

The boys decided it would be a fun idea to throw all the candy on the ground. When I came down all I could do was laugh!

After I cleaned up I sent the boys outside to run off all that sugar! They had a great time together and that's what counts!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Gingerbread house madness!

We had our annual gingerbread house decorating party at our house this year.  I say annual but this is just the second year we have done this and I hope we keep this tradition going, it sure was fun!



The village before the decorators got here.


Eli and Aubrey decided to get a head start on the candy before we got going.


Just plain cute!

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After the decorating fun we got the kids all a snack and turned on How the Grinch Stole Christmas.


All that fun wore little girl out and she took a long nap!